"Yes, of course, forgive me. I know you must be disoriented, and confused, but please, with your cooperation and patience this matter can be explained."

"I guess you could say I'm disoriented and confused. One minute I'm on my way home and the next thing I know I'm in some scene out of the Arabian Nights! Just what the hell is going on?" Sara had to concentrate on her anger to keep the rising panic in check.

"Please calm yourself and I will explain. Your presence here does present a few problems ... but first let me introduce myself. I am Prince Rashid al-Amahl, first in line to the throne of Faradahd, which is where you are now."

"I never heard of it. Is this some kind of joke? Because if it is, it's not funny."

Rashid ignored her question and went on, "We are a small insignificant desert country trying to remain independent in an area of great upheaval and change."

"Is this the Middle East? Am I a hostage or something? Oh God, tell me this is a joke." Desperation crept into her voice.

Rashid took a step towards her. "No, it is not a joke, ... but you are not a hostage, so there is no need to fear. You will be well cared for. No harm will come to you here. Please," he gestured to the floor cushions, "... sit down."

Her thoughts in turmoil, Sara sank to one of the soft cushions. She pleaded, "Just tell me why I am here in ..."

"Faradahd." he supplied.

"... in Faradahd."

"Very well, I will try." He sat across from her. "My family owns a casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey. My uncle manages this casino"

"The Golden Sands, right? We were there just a week ago."

Rashid nodded, "Yes, that is when my uncle saw you."

Sara kneaded her brow. "I remember ... there was a fat man ... dressed like you ... he said he owned the place and he bought us a bottle of champagne ... he sat at our table ..."

"That man is my uncle. He kidnapped you and brought you here."

"No, it was another man, an American. I remember, he grabbed me and ... he must have drugged me ... that's all I remember until I woke up in there." She pointed to the bedroom.

"He may not have been the one to actually do the deed, but my uncle is the one who gave the order for it."

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