Light from a single candle cast flickering shadows on the walls. Sara shivered and moved to snuggle close to David, but found his side of the bed empty. She recoiled in horror with the reality that she was not at the farm with David, not in their old four poster bed, but alone, in some horrible, living nightmare.

With much effort, she sat up, pulling the soft blanket up to cover her nakedness. How did she get undressed? And where was she now? Her left hand flew to her head to massage her throbbing temple and she lay back down on the pillow. She closed her eyes and tried to make some sense of what had happened to her, but failed. Her eyes snapped opened again at the sound of a small voice.

"Would you like some tea? It is a special brew and should relieve your headache."

Sara gingerly propped herself up on her elbows and looked around the room for the owner of the voice. A small figure emerged from a darkened corner and moved towards Sara.

"Do not be afraid."

Sara guessed the girl to be perhaps eleven or twelve. Her features were delicate and held the promise of great beauty. She wore her long chestnut hair in a braid that hung over her right shoulder. The braid made a dark line against the lime green fabric of the young girl's dress. A sheer green veil covered her head and shoulders, and her dark brown eyes looked kindly at Sara."Do not be afraid." she repeated. "You are safe here. My brother will protect you."

Sara's voice came out in a hoarse whisper, "Who are you?" She cleared her throat and tried again, this time more forceful. "Who are you, and just who is your brother?" The energy exerted for this simple demand weakened Sara so, that she fell back on the pillow.

The girl leaned closer. "Please, have some tea, it will strengthen you." Sara was thirsty and tea did sound like a good idea, so with the girl's help, she accepted the small cup and sipped. Yes, that felt good, her throat seemed extraordinarily dry.

"Thank you." said Sara as she looked into the child's brown doe eyes over the rim of her cup. "So are you going to tell me who you are, and where I am?"

"My name is Yasmine. I have never met an American before, of course I have seen American TV. Rashid has friends who video tape episodes of 'Dallas' and 'Dynasty' for me, but he says most Americans are not like that, you know, rich and beautiful. But you are beautiful." Copyright 2016 - 2024