The bedspread was printed with large orange flowers set against a gray background which Jack assumed at one time had been white. A dark green vinyl chair had been squeezed between the bed and the outside wall, and on the wall opposite the bed, hung a tarnished mirror above an old battered desk. Beside the desk stood a slightly lopsided maple chest-of-drawers with an old black and white Zenith perched precariously on top.

Jack threw his suitcase on the chair and sank down on the bed, exhausted. He kicked off his shoes, but failing to work up the energy to undress, fell asleep fully clothed, on top of the covers.

It was nearly four o'clock when Jack awoke. He peeled off his rumpled clothes and jumped into the shower. While shaving, he worked out a game plan. First he'd stop by the hardware store, which he knew closed at six. Then he would follow her. Unfortunately, the address Abdulah had given him was a rural route box number, and he realized it would have been a bitch to find her if he hadn't happened to have seen her that morning. It certainly would have taken more time, and time was something he didn't have a lot of.

He wiped his face on a grayish towel and stared for a moment at his reflection in the mirror. Could he really go through with this? His conscience pricked as he realized he was beginning to enjoy himself. It was kind of like setting up a bust, only this time the stakes were much different-if he screwed this one up, he'd either be going to jail or most likely he'd end up dead.

He threw the damp towel on the floor and went to his suitcase. Now, he wondered, what to wear? Clothes were important if you wanted to be a good shadow. You wanted to blend in with the background, so he decided to dress casually. He chose his tan corduroy jeans, a tan turtleneck, and his favorite cream colored fisherman's knit sweater. Stella had given it to him three years ago for Christmas. She'd sent all the way to L.L.Bean for it. He buried his face in the soft wool. Oh Stella, he moaned, what have I become?

This is it, he silently vowed, after this, I'm gonna quit gambling for sure, I'll take Abdulah's offer of a job, but only if it's legit-no more of this garbage.

He pulled himself together and steeled himself for the job at hand-the kidnapping of an innocent girl to pay for his gambling debts-Abdulah had given him no choice-it was her life for his. Copyright 2016 - 2024