Abdulah waddled around the desk and draped an arm around Jack's shoulder. "I think, Mr. Hogan, that you and I can work well together. When I return to this country, I want to talk to you about a full time job."

Jack shrugged off the other man's arm. "Now wait a minute, I haven't said I would do this yet, and even if I did, I don't want to make a habit out of it."

"Of course not. I believe we can find other uses for your experience. As a matter of fact, our head of security is getting ready to retire, perhaps you would be interested in that."

"A legitimate job?"

"Yes, indeed."

"Well, I'll think about it."

"You do that Mr. Hogan. I hope you will not take too much time to decide, you know what will happen if I leave for Faradahd with your markers in my possession ..." he paused for the consequences to sink in, "Ahmed does enjoy his work."

Instinctively, Jack's hand went to his throat, and he tried to swallow past the lump that seemed to form there. "Yeah, I know."

"I am glad we understand each other. Good-bye Mr. Hogan, I hope to see you when I return from my little vacation. Now Ahmed will show you out."

Jack nodded to Abdulah and blindly followed Ahmed out of the office. He had to think-there had to be a way out of this, but as hard as he tried, he knew it was hopeless.

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