The ownership of the casino was small consolation, but he treated it as his own little kingdom. He looked upon his patrons as his subjects, thriving on their fawning adulation. Americans were obsessed with royalty of any kind and Abdulah knew how to use that fact to his advantage. He could afford to be lavish with those that pleased him and had the clout to hurt those that got in his way.

Tonight he was particularly bored with the usual guests and was just about to leave the room in search of more interesting company, when he noticed a couple sitting in a far corner. The man, though not remarkable, was good looking enough, but the woman ... the woman was the image of Abdulah's dream girl. He made his way over to their table.

"Excuse me, please allow me to introduce myself, I am Prince Abdulah Al-Amahl, owner of this humble establishment and I like to know that my guests are well taken care of. Are you finding your stay here satisfactory?"

"Yes, very much, thank you." replied David as he started to stand.

"Please, no need," Abdulah gestured for David to remain seated, then pulled up a chair to join them. "May I?"

"Certainly," was the reluctant reply, since David was not in the mood to socialize with anyone but Sara.

"I'm happy that you chose the Golden Sands for your stay in Atlantic City, have you visited here before, Mr. ...?"

"Wilson, David Wilson and this is my ..." he looked at Sara, searching for the right word, "my friend, Sara Mathews."

"It's a pleasure, Miss Mathews."

Sara extended her arm to shake his outstretched hand, but he surprised her by kissing her hand rather than shaking it. The look he gave her made her uncomfortable, and she suppressed a shudder.

"This is our first time in Atlantic City," said David in answer to Abdulah's question.

"Yes," agreed Sara as she withdrew her hand from his sweaty grasp. She turned to David and smiled up at him, "it was kind of an impulsive trip."

"Ah, those are often the best kind. Please allow me to be impulsive and buy you a bottle of champagne, I see yours is almost empty."

Before David or Sara could refuse, a waiter was pouring more champagne into the glasses he had placed in front of them. Abdulah's people knew to provide a bottle of Dom Perignon to any table that he chose to sit.

"Thank you very much, but really, you shouldn't have," said Sara. Copyright 2016 - 2024