Sara's heart skipped a beat and she felt the blood rush out of her face. She forced herself to push the door and walk into the room, although her first reaction was the wish to run to the car and to drive far away, logic told her there must be an explanation for what she had heard.

David looked up and smiled as she entered the room. "Hi darling. You're home early, I didn't expect you to get home until after six." Then noticing how pale she was, asked with concern, "Is something wrong?"

"I'm not sure ... I mean ... I, I heard you on the phone ... "Her voice trailed off.

David laughed and took her in his arms. "Oh Sara, Sara ... that was Katie, my daughter, she's coming to visit." He sought her eyes. "I love you."

Sara nodded and hugged him closer. "I know." Her voice was barely a whisper. "I'm sorry ... I just got scared for a minute." She looked up at him apologetically then turned away, not wanting him to see the tears of relief that threatened to roll down her cheeks.

"So ... I finally get to meet your daughter?"

"Yes, she's going to stay for a week before school starts."

Having regained her composure, Sara turned back to David and asked "Have you told her that I'm living here?"

David looked slightly embarrassed and ducked his head.

"Well ... not yet ... I thought we should tell her together. We can take her out to lunch after we pick her up so you can meet her, and we can tell her then."

"David Wilson! You are a chicken!" Sara teased.

"I know, I know ... but somehow I just couldn't tell her over the phone."

"So ... do you think she will approve of me?"

"How could she not?" he answered confidently with a broad smile.

Saturday arrived and Sara was a nervous wreck as she stood with David outside the drug store waiting for his daughter to step off the Grayhound bus that had just pulled up at the curb. What if Katie hated her on sight? Maybe it would have been better if she had moved out for the week that Katie was to stay. Oh God, how does one deal with the fifteen year old child of your lover?

David nudged her "There she is ... Katie!" he yelled and waved his arm.

Sara watched as father and daughter embraced and was surprised at the little stab of jealousy she felt. She hadn't expected that, but of course she had had David all to herself. Now she would have to share his attention for a while. Copyright 2016 - 2024