"Yes, you're right, it does make sense, especially since I'm practically living here anyway."

David let out a sigh of relief and smiled broadly as he took her in his arms. Then a sudden thought struck him, and he pulled away.

"What's wrong?" asked Sara in response to his serious expression.

"What about your parents? What will they say?"Sara laughed. "Oh, that's all? I think they'll be able to handle it OK, after all, they've been through it before."

"Yes, but the results of that didn't turn out too well, and also, this is your own home town."

"Hmmm, that's true..." replied Sara thoughtfully, "...but that won't matter, and besides...they like you!"

The next morning Sara slept late. By the time she joined her mother downstairs in the kitchen, it was after ten o'clock.

"Good morning Mom. Isn't it a glorious day?" She kissed Edith on the cheek then went to the cupboard for a coffee mug.

Edith watched her daughter carefully, sensitive to her moods. "What's put you in such a cheerful mood this morning?"

Sara poured herself some coffee and sat down at the kitchen table. She glanced up at her mother and motioned to the chair next to her own.

"Come, sit down for a minute...we have to talk."

Edith wiped her hands on her apron as she turned away from the sink. Her arthritis was bothering her, so she supported herself by holding on to the table as she sat down.

"This sounds serious."

"Well...it is...you see...well...David has asked me to move in with him and I've agreed...How do you feel about that?" But before her mother could respond, she continued, "I know you like him and since I've been helping with his house, well, I'm there all the time anyway, and we get along and...well, he just makes me happy."It was ridiculous that she should feel like she was twelve years old and asking for a puppy, but she did.

Edith placed her hand, red and swollen from hot dish water, over Sara's perfectly manicured one. She studied her daughter's face, and after collecting her thoughts, she spoke.

"Sara, you know I love you very much and want only the best for you, and you know both your father and I think very highly of David..." she paused.

"But, what?"

"...but ...are you sure you want to do this right now? What about your job? Your leave is up in less than two months, what about David when you go back to Boston?"

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