After eating, they were all too full to try any of Mrs. Turner's cherry pie, so while Sara and her mother cleared the table, the men returned to the parlor. When the women joined them, David and Edward were deep into a discussion about types of lumber and different methods of construction. Ed Pearson would be a valuable advisor when David began rebuilding, especially since he owned the only hardware store in town.

"Come by the shop in the morning, and I'll introduce you to Farley Johnson, one of the best carpenters around."

"Great! I'd like to be able to move into the house as soon as possible. I'm anxious to get out of the Saxon Inn and into my own place."

"I imagine it can get a little old, living in a hotel-though I wouldn't mind trying it for a while," reflected Edith out loud. She looked accusingly towards her husband. "Somehow we never get to take that vacation you promised."

"Now Edith, you know I've just been too busy at the store."

"Listen Dad, why don't I start coming down to the store and helping out," suggested Sara. "I've been getting bored lately, anyway."

"Yes, that's a great idea, dear." agreed her mother.

"Well, I guess so," Edward said thoughtfully. "Sure, why not! At least the customers will have something prettier than my old face to look at!" he laughed.

Sara blushed and asked David about his new property. She studied him as he explained how he wanted to keep the farm as close to the original condition as possible. Of course, he conceded, certain things would have to be modernized, but he felt it was possible to keep the look of a hundred year old farm. His eyes sparkled as he told of his plans, and Sara warmed to him. She had expected him to be so different from the way he was. She found herself wanting to get to know him better.

Hours later, David glanced at his watch and stood up. "I didn't realize it was so late."

"Nonsense, David. We've enjoyed your company." Edith smiled graciously. "Please come again."

"Thank you, Mrs. Pearson."

"Now, now," she said as she shook a finger at him, "If I can call you David, you can certainly call me Edith."

He grinned at her and nodded.

"Sara, why don't you show David to the door and turn on the outside light for him?" Copyright 2016 - 2024