"No--not then--never then! Then, all the youth of the world seems to rush into me,--it tingles in my fingers, and throbs in my throat! I feel as if I could reach heaven with sound!--yes! I feel that I could sing to God Himself, if He would only listen!"

Her eyes glowed with passion,--the plainness of her features was transformed into momentary beauty. Maryllia was silent. She knew that the aspirations of genius pent up in this elf-like girl were almost too strong for her, and that the very excitability and sensitiveness of her nature were such as to need the greatest care and tenderness in training and controlling. Tactfully she changed the conversation to ordinary subjects, and in a little while Cicely had learned all that Maryllia herself knew about the village of St. Rest and its inhabitants. She was considerably interested in the story of the rescue of the 'Five Sister' beeches, and asked with a touch of anxiety, what had become of the dismissed agent, Oliver Leach?

"Oh, he is still in the neighbourhood,"--said Maryllia, indifferently--"He works for Sir Morton Pippitt, and I believe has found a home at Badsworth. His accounts are not yet all handed in to my solicitors. But I have a new agent now,--a Mr. Stanways--he is just married to quite a nice young woman,--and he has already begun work. Mr. Stanways has splendid recommendations--so that will be all right."

"No doubt--so far as Mr. Stanways himself is concerned it will be all right,"--rejoined Cicely, musingly--"But if, as you say, the man Oliver Leach cursed you, it isn't pleasant to think he is hanging around here."

"He isn't hanging round anywhere,"--declared Maryllia, easily--"He is out of this beat altogether. He cursed me certainly,--but he was in a temper,--and I should say that curses come naturally to him. But, as the clergyman was present at the time, the curse couldn't take any effect." She laughed. "You know Satan always runs away from the Church."

"Who is the clergyman, and what is he like?" asked Cicely.

"He's not at all disagreeable"--answered Maryllia, carelessly-- "Rather stiff perhaps and old-fashioned,--but he seems to be a great favourite with all his parishioners. His name is John Walden. He has restored the church here, quite at his own expense, and according to the early original design. It is really quite wonderful. When I was a child here, I only remember it as a ruin, but now people come from far and near to see it. It will please you immensely."

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