She continued to watch his face, seeing everything he felt, which made her feel it, as well. He pressed closer to kiss her, and that was incredibly hot, too. This time when she came, it took her by surprise. Instead of building, it hit her like a tsunami, racking her body and emptying her mind of all thought but the pleasure.

Having Rowdy inside her, filling her up and rocking her with that slick friction, made it almost too intense to bear. He put his forehead to hers and growled as he joined her with his own powerful release.

Avery held on to him as his big body slowly relaxed over her. He kissed her oh-so-gently this time, carefully untangling her legs from his arms, easing them down. But he didn’t relax. Already he explored her again, stroking, fondling.

A little amazed, Avery said, “Rowdy?”

“I need about twenty minutes.” He lifted his head to look at her. His gaze went over her hair and though he didn’t smile, she saw something in his eyes, something lighter than the usual emotion there.

“Twenty minutes?”

“Yeah. To recoup.” He blew out a breath and moved to the side of her, staying up on an elbow so he could look her over in more detail. “This little body of yours is even sexier than I’d imagined.”

She had no idea what to say, but she was starting to feel... Well, not so much flattered. Maybe...less inhibited?

Rowdy was just so bold, so raw about his sexuality. The appreciative way he studied her let her know he liked what he saw.

He put his hand on her stomach, his thumb dipping in her navel. As if he talked about the weather, he said, “I want to roll you over and take you from behind so I can get a better look at that sweet ass.”

Her mouth opened, but nothing came out.

“That’d be fine for my back, so don’t worry about it, okay? In fact, I can’t even feel my back right now. So why don’t you forget about it, too?”


“I want you just to feel, Avery.” He drifted his hand down between her legs. “I like this, by the way.”

She lifted her brows. “This?”

He smiled. “A true redhead.” Leaning over, he kissed her breast. “And these soft pink ni**les...all put together you make such a hot package.”

Never had she been complimented on anything so ridiculous. She didn’t know what to say, but tried a lame, “Thank you.”

He smiled lazily. “You’re welcome.”

She didn’t want to bring up Fisher, but she had no idea if his change in mood meant he forgave her. She tried a roundabout question. “May I spend the night?”

“Since I’ll be f**king you for hours, yeah. You should stay.”

She scowled at how he worded things, but that made Rowdy laugh.

“Oh, no, you don’t, lady. Don’t get all prim on me now.” He cupped a hand over her jaw, amused and not bothering to hide it. “You damn near stopped my heart, skinning down to those see-through panties and sashaying across the room like it was nothing.”

“I don’t sashay.” She’d been so nervous—and so cold—it had taken considerable concentration just to get one foot in front of the other.

“All this,” he said, running his fingers over her still-damp hair, “playing peekaboo with the good parts.” He gave a low growl of appreciation. “You are the sexiest little package I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

“The things you say.” He sounded like he meant it, which left her warm with pleasure. No one had ever showered her with outrageous compliments, especially not on anything so private.

She’d dated, of course, but men did not beat her door down in pursuit. In comparison to how the women flocked to Rowdy, she was in the minor league.

“It’s true,” he said. “You have a sinful little body made for fun.”

“You’re the only man I know who ever thought so.”

Only after the teasing words were out did Avery realize it was the wrong thing to say, because it reminded him of Fisher and the secret she’d shared.

As if it had never gone, Rowdy’s regular, hard-edged demeanor fell back into place. Shadows filled his eyes and anger tightened his muscles.

He didn’t move away from her, didn’t stop stroking her so gently, but everything...changed.

“I guess that brings us back to Fisher, doesn’t it?”

She shook her head, but Rowdy sat up. “Shower first, I guess.” He removed the condom as if he didn’t have one very fascinated lady watching. “I’ll find you another shirt to wear while you turn on the dryer.”

Grateful for the reprieve, brief as it might be, Avery sat up and pushed her hair away from her face. “Could I just go ahead and wash everything?”

“Do whatever you want.” He looked her over again, then shook his head. “Make yourself at home.” Going to the dresser he found a T-shirt—this time white—and tossed it to her.

As she tugged it on, he asked, “Hungry?”

Now that he mentioned it... “A little.”

His attention lingered on her legs. “Can you wait for an hour?”

She had planned to be sleeping in an hour, but she shrugged. “I guess. Why?”

He caught her hand and pulled her forward. “Because I’ve changed my mind. Fisher can wait.” His hands went to her backside, palming her under the T-shirt. “Right now, this is more important.”


Lifting her up, he kissed away her protest. Copyright 2016 - 2024