“Show me?” Scandalized, she looked around his office. “Here?”

“Not sex, honey. Not yet.” He wanted her ready, without reservations. “Just a demonstration. Okay?”

She bit her bottom lip, then nodded. “Okay.”

He took her shoulders and carefully lowered her back to the desk. Once she rested there, her gorgeous hair spread out everywhere, he caught her knees and, watching her, pressed them back.

Avery gasped. “Rowdy...”

His gaze locked with hers, he nudged in against her. “Just like this, babe.” Oh, God, he could almost feel it, how hot and slick it’d be to press inside her. “No pain or problems. Just me sinking in and us both coming apart.”

Her face flushed, but her heavy gaze stayed focused on his. He watched the rise and fall of her br**sts as he continued to slowly rock against her.

He’d meant it to be only a short example, but then her breath caught, and he watched her hands curl, felt the muscles in her thighs tense. “Damn.”

She parted her lips to breathe more deeply. Her dark eyes glittered; her cheeks warmed.

Half disbelieving the telltale signs of her rising excitement, Rowdy studied her every reaction. No way was she...


Yeah, maybe she was. His heart started hammering and his c**k swelled more. She arched her back a little. He should have taken her shirt off her so he could see her br**sts.

Next time he’d make that a top priority.

Readjusting, he hooked his arms through her knees and leaned down to kiss her. The new position freed up his hands so he could cup each breast.

Liking that, she moaned brokenly.

Her ni**les were tight little points, pressing up through the material of her bra and T-shirt.

“Jesus, I wish you were naked.” Still thrusting rhythmically against the apex of her jean-covered thighs, he took her mouth, cuddled her br**sts and when she gasped, stiffened, she took him right to the edge.

Even caught up in the moment, he made sure to muffle her sudden cries, to hold her steady so that she couldn’t buck too much.

Arching her neck, her hands fisted tight in his hair, she keened under his kiss.

It was so f**king awesome that he gave up and did the unthinkable.

He joined her.

Fully dressed, on a hard desk, in the bar...but with Avery.

It felt too damned perfect.

With his brain now depleted of dark thoughts, his muscles gone utterly lax, all his worries and pain just faded away. As the sizzle ebbed, he became more aware of Avery’s soft body cushioning his, the muskiness of her natural fragrance, how her fingers now stroked lazily through his hair.

It took Rowdy a few more minutes before he really got his brain to function again, and then he wanted to kick his own ass.

Way to go, Romeo.

His first time with her...and he hadn’t even gotten her top off. Worse, there was a barroom full of people nearby—and her work shift was due to start in...Rowdy glanced at the clock. Hell. Three minutes ago.

Dreading how she might look at him, he levered up to his forearms.

Avery kept her eyes closed.

For some reason, that amused him. “Coward.”

“Hush.” Her brows knit together as if in concentration. “I’m still recuperating.”

Damn, but he...what? Wanted her. That’s all. He wanted her, and until he had her his brain would keep getting muddled about things. “You see?” He kissed her parted lips. “Entirely possible.”

“Be quiet so I can find my brain cells.” She frowned more. “And my legs. I think they’ve gone missing.”

He stroked both hands along her soft, wide-open thighs. “Feeling weak, huh?”

“Boneless, if you want the truth.” She put a hand over her mouth and yawned. “I think I could sleep here, just like this.”

“With me crushing you?”

“Mmm.” She moved enough to wind her arms around his neck. “You’re a warm, heavy blanket, and you smell so good.”

He’d just made the biggest sexual faux pas of his life, and yet Rowdy realized he was smiling. “Tell you what, babe.” He touched her cheek and knew if he lived to be a hundred, the picture of her across his desk, replete and so damned sexy, would be emblazoned on his brain forever. “I’ll have Cannon start behind the bar. Take as much time as you need.”

She got one eye open. “You are not replacing me with Cannon.”

No one could replace her— Damn it. There he went again with those intrusive, alarming thoughts. Drawing her arms down to her sides, he levered up and off her.

Avery didn’t move. She had both eyes closed again.

“I told you, he’ll give you breaks.”

“And fill in when I’m otherwise occupied doing debauched things in the boss’s office?”

“I like the way you think.” Walking around behind his desk to the locker, Rowdy drew out a change of jeans and shorts.

Avery twisted around, looked at his face, then at the clothes in his hands. “No way.”

He was just disturbed enough to say, “You already know me, hon. Do you think I’m ever unprepared?” He kept the change of clothes mostly for spills, which happened often at bars. But no reason to share that detail with her.

Let her think what she wanted. Maybe it’d help him to keep his head on straight if she got pissed again.

She sat up in a rush, pushed the mass of her disheveled hair from her face and watched him until he’d kicked off his shoes and opened his zipper.

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