Vivid sexual images sent his muscles contracting. Hell, he’d figured on having to persuade her. With every new breath, his back hurt more, and still, with her statement, his hunger stirred.

Avery went on in a rush. “To sleep, I mean.”

Well, hell. He drew her closer, his gaze on her mouth. “We could sleep after.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about.” Her face warmed. “I want to be here in case you need anything.”

This time he couldn’t keep the words contained. “I need you.”

As if he hadn’t spoken, she continued. “I promise not to become clingy. I won’t drop in uninvited and I won’t make any assumptions.”

She should, Rowdy thought, because God knew she’d probably be right. He kissed her forehead, the bridge of her nose, that soft, sweet mouth. “You can stay,” he whispered. “On one condition.”

Her eyes narrowed in teasing threat. “I mean it, Rowdy. Sleep and only sleep.”

He could handle that—with a fair trade-off. “All right. But you sleep with me. In my bed.”

Her eyes widened again. “You,” she said, sounding like a schoolteacher, “are not up for it.”

“There’s where you’re wrong.” Just hearing her talk about it had him throbbing.

Her gaze dropped to his lap, and she scuttled off the couch so fast that his fingers got snagged in her hair. “Rowdy Yates, you’re... We can’t possibly...”

“We could, but yeah, it’d be tricky.” Besides, when he finally got her under him, he didn’t want to be handicapped by a zipper of fresh stitches with her still reeling from a night of upset.

Avery continued to stare at his lap.

“That’s not helping, honey.” Pushing to his feet, he readjusted in an effort to get more comfortable. “It’s not a snake and it doesn’t bite.”

More color rushed into her face until she looked sunburned.

Enjoying her mix of innocence and sex appeal, Rowdy touched her chin and brought her gaze up to his. “What do you say, honey? Ready to crash for the night?”

“Well.” She chewed her bottom lip and worked hard to keep her attention off the solid erection straining his jeans. “I could sleep on the couch...”

“I’ll feel better if you stick close.” He always enjoyed snuggling up with a warm female body. Granted, it usually only happened with sex, but tonight, with Avery, he’d make an exception.

She twisted her mouth, gave him a skeptical look. “You promise you only mean for sleep?”

“Unless you get frisky and go for more.” He leaned down and nuzzled her ear. “I’m in a weakened state. You could totally take advantage of me.”

She laughed—then slapped a hand over her mouth.

“What’s funny?” Taking her shoulders, he eased her against him. She was a tiny little thing, and still they fit perfectly. “I have a feeling I’m missing an inside joke here.”

Sighing, she leaned into him, her hands on his chest. “I probably shouldn’t tell you.”

“Tell me anyway.” Hell, now he had to know.

Tipping her head back, she gifted him with a big smile. “At the hospital, I had that very thought.” Her curious fingertips touched over his collarbone. “That I could molest you in your weakened condition.”

God, he would love for her to try. “Maybe tomorrow you can give it a shot.” In the meantime, he prompted her, saying, “Wanna help me get undressed?”

Her eyes flared.

Keeping his amusement under wraps, Rowdy said, “Reaching my shoes, peeling off my socks...” He shifted his shoulder and gave an exaggerated wince. “Pushing down my jeans. I’m not sure I can manage all that.”

“Oh.” She levered back and looked down the length of his body.

Yeah, the boner was still there. But then, with every pore of his being, he was aware of having Avery Mullins alone in his apartment. Talking about her taking off his jeans kept him primed.

She swallowed. “Of course.” And then, big eyes looking up at him, “Should we go by your bed?”

“I was going to wash up first.”

“Do you...ah, need help with that?”

Like he couldn’t brush his teeth on his own? Rowdy didn’t like playing weak, even if the aches and pains were starting to really settle in. Sooner or later, Avery would understand his strength. “I got it covered.”

Relief took some of the starch from her shoulders.

“Why don’t you go turn down the bed?”

“Okay.” She walked with him across the room. “Do you have something I can sleep in?”

My arms. But maybe it was better not to tell her that yet. “What’s wrong with your birthday suit?” He wouldn’t get any sleep, but he’d sacrifice sleep for a nude female body any day.

Avery looked scandalized. “I can’t sleep that way.”

“Why not?”

“I just wouldn’t.” She paused by some of his exercise equipment, eyeing it with curiosity. “I’ve never slept naked, and I’m not going to start tonight.”

Never? So his little bartender was modest? He’d get her over that, but obviously not tonight. Going to a dresser, Rowdy dug out a plain white T-shirt. If she wore only her panties under it, it’d be the next best thing to naked. “Will this work?”

She waffled. “Don’t you have something darker?” Copyright 2016 - 2024