“Good.” Rowdy stood, removed the jacket and folded it before handing it to Logan. It would have to be dry-cleaned, but Logan didn’t seem to mind. “Don’t tell her.”

His eyes widened. “For that, she would kill us both.”

“Yeah, probably.” Rowdy ran a hand over his face, flinched at the pain that caused in his back and carefully dropped his arm again. “So how about you go home to her and handle things so that she doesn’t come charging down here? Think you can manage that?”

After scrutinizing Rowdy, Logan pushed up from his seat. “I’ll do my best, but I’m not making any promises.”

His best must have been good enough because even though Pepper called twice to talk with Rowdy, she hadn’t shown up in person. Avery was a little disappointed. She wanted to meet the woman who could make Logan and Rowdy quail.

During the phone conversations, feeling very much like an interloper, Avery had listened in. How Rowdy spoke to his sister filled her with a touch of envy.

Rowdy was the same and yet somehow gentler, his tone filled with unmistakable affection. At the end of the second conversation, Rowdy again insisted that he didn’t need Pepper to come to the hospital. “You have a husband to tend to.” Whatever Pepper replied had Rowdy groaning. “Forget it, I don’t need details.”

Avery bit back her grin, easily imagining what had been said.

After a few more words, Rowdy ended the call with a gruff, “Love you, too, kiddo.”

Emotion got a stranglehold on Avery’s throat. She was very, very grateful that Rowdy had someone special in his life.

He deserved that and so much more.

With the call complete, he put his phone in his pocket and again prowled the small space of the room. Like a caged lion, he drew the wary attention of every other hapless patient waiting to be seen. He went to a window and looked out at the parking lot, bright with security lamps.

He had to be exhausted and in pain, and she knew he was worried about Marcus. Avery needed to do something to help.

Coming up behind him, she examined his broad back. With the binding in place, the bleeding had stopped, but all round it, bruising started to show.

When she lightly touched her fingers to him, he stiffened.

Not knowing if it was pain and a rejection to being coddled that made him so tense, she moved to his side. “Do you want a drink?” He didn’t answer. “Or maybe I can find you a snack from a vending machine.”

His light brown gaze cut to her. “I’d rather you weren’t here at all.”

She flinched. That hurt worse than she’d expected. With no idea what to say, she stared up at him, helpless, hurting for him.

“Damn it.” Rowdy put his hand to her head, smoothed it over her hair. “Don’t look like that. I didn’t mean...I hate it that you’re stuck here with me. I’d ask you to head on home, except that as late as it is, I don’t want you going to your place alone.”

Praying he’d understand, Avery said, “I feel the same about you.”

He gave her a crooked, mean smile. “There’s a world of difference, babe.”

“You’re hurt whether you want to admit it or not.” Ready to insist if necessary, Avery said, “You’re going to need some help.”

“Yeah? What kind of help are we talking about?” His hand drifted from her hair to the side of her face. His thumb brushed her bottom lip. “You gonna help me out of my clothes? Maybe shower with me? Tuck me into bed?”

Even now, he was on the make. She shook her head and did her best not to react. “Listen up, Rowdy. You. Are. Wounded.”

“It’s not that big of a deal.” His heated gaze zeroed in on her br**sts. “I sure as hell wouldn’t let it slow me down.”

His look was so carnal, she had to fight the urge to cover herself. “Well, it’d slow me down!”

“Shhh, relax.” The mean smile turned knowing and indulgent. “You’re drawing attention.”

Horrified by that possibility, she closed her eyes to count to ten.

His warm breath teased her ear. “Say the word, Avery, and we can go as slow as you like.”

Oh, God, he sounded serious. Did nothing get to him?

She met his gaze, and decided that no, not much did. She was saved from replying when a nurse appeared, ready to show him to a room.

It surprised her when Rowdy snagged her hand and tugged her along with him. The next few minutes were excruciating as two nurses gave her the stink eye while oohing and aahing over him.

Whatever happened to professionalism?

“Looks like you’re in overall excellent health,” one nurse cooed.

Avery glared at her.

Rowdy gave his charming, devil’s smile. “Thanks.”

Of all the... Avery laced her hands together. “Maybe if you check his back instead of his chest, you’ll find the injury.”

Rowdy’s smile expanded into a grin, and he used Avery’s hand to pull her close.

Both nurses wanted to know what had happened, which Avery supposed made sense, but they mixed in totally inappropriate comments, too.

“So this happened at your bar? What’s the name?”

“And where is it?”

Coy bitch, Avery thought. “Does that really matter?”

The nurse didn’t take the hint. She teased Rowdy, saying, “What does the other guy look like?”

“Were you fighting over a woman?” the other asked. “How sweet.”

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