God, he loved her.

He stood there, staring at her, drinking it in, accepting that he loved her and that no matter what, he needed her. With him. In his life. A part of him.

Day in and day out, whatever life dealt.

She wiped her tears, sniffled. And waited.

She’d been waiting on him for so long that he felt like a complete and total bastard. And a coward.

In two long strides he reached her and drew her in. That got her sobbing pretty good again. She clutched at him, forgetting his stupid stitches, his injury, as she burrowed closer.

“It wasn’t you,” she told him brokenly. “This happened because of me. Because of my life.”

“Yeah, I know.” He’d been so worried about Avery deserving more than he could give her. He didn’t want her put at risk because of him, because of where he lived and the business he owned, the associations he’d made.

“It was my background...and it endangered you and your sister.”


From the kitchen table, Pepper said, “Avery?”

Avery drew a gulping, shuddering breath, then said, “Yes?”

“Cause a scene.”

Half laughing around her tears, Avery squeezed him close again.

Rowdy had no idea what that exchange meant, but he picked her up and went to the couch. On the way, he managed to kick Fisher, who groaned weakly.

The prick.

Avery sniffled another laugh. “Did you do that on purpose?”

Amazing, unique, wonderful Avery. He didn’t know any other woman who could find humor in the situation. “If he wouldn’t get more blood all over my apartment, I’d take him apart for slapping you.”

“I’d help you.”

“Maybe we’ll get our chance yet.”

“I was so afraid,” she said, her voice going high and thin again. “But...but I tried to hide it from him. I wanted him to know what a sick and weak...nothing he is.”

“I heard.” Rowdy rubbed his face against her hair, his heart so full that it hurt. “Pepper called me. I could hear you talking. You were incredible.” He hugged her tighter. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Proud.” She wiped her eyes on his shirt. “Great. I feel so much better.”

Sarcasm at a time like this was almost as amazing as the humor. Rowdy couldn’t take it a second more. “And I love you.”

She went perfectly still, then jerked back to see him.

Rowdy touched her face, so blotchy from her crying jag. “I love you so damn much, Avery, it scares me. But losing you scares me more.”

From the kitchen table, Pepper said, “There, you see? My brother is a very smart man.”

Cannon said, “Yeah, I know.”

Paramedics arrived along with some unis. Reese and Logan ran the show, so Rowdy didn’t have to do anything but hold Avery.

When she sat there staring at him, he asked, “What did my sister mean about you causing a scene?”

Her eyes were round and watchful, as if she didn’t quite believe him yet. “I told her if you asked me to leave, I wouldn’t. Cause a scene I mean.”

“But Pepper likes you enough that she’d want you to, huh?”

Pepper chimed in, saying, “I love you enough, brother, that I wanted her to do what was right for you.” Then she thought to add, “But yeah, I like Avery a lot, too.”

Rowdy smiled, easing Avery’s untidy hair away from her ravaged face. “Do you want to go in the bathroom?” He kissed the corner of her mouth. “You’re kind of a mess.”

She slugged him again, but she was smiling. “Yes, please.”

Again, he lifted her.

One of the EMTs asked, “Is she okay?”

He waited, but Avery didn’t answer, so he said for her, “She’s just upset because I love her.”

“Rowdy!” She kept her face tucked in close, hiding.

He grinned as he carried her into his bathroom and sat her on the side of the tub. He rinsed out a washcloth in cold water, handed it to her and then splashed his own face.

His hands were shaking.

“You really love me?”

Such a small, uncertain voice. “Yeah.” He dried his face and sat on the tub beside her. She’d missed much of the mess, so he took the cloth from her and tried to help remove some of her ruined makeup. “I really love you.”

She inhaled.

“Will you marry me, Avery?”

Her lips started to tremble again, so he kissed them. Just a soft kiss at first, but this was Avery and soon he had a hand in her hair, holding her close while he reaffirmed that she was safe, and that she was his.

Logan tapped at the door, then pushed it open. “You’re both okay?”

“He loves me,” Avery said. “We’re going to get married.”

Logan half smiled. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.”

Her formality was as unique as everything else. Rowdy couldn’t stop touching her, and he knew he’d never stop loving her.

“I hate to do this right now, but we need to talk to each of you. Alone.” Logan held on to the doorknob, his gaze sympathetic. “And Avery, as next of kin, we need to let your mother know that Meyer is gone.”

She nodded.

Rowdy said, “We can do it together.”

Avery straightened her shoulders. “May I wash my face first?”

Logan said, “Sure. No problem.” He stepped back out of the room.

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