It occurred to Avery that Pepper was out of sight. Fisher and Meyer were both looking around, but they didn’t see her. Had she ducked behind the bookshelf? Under the bed?

Lord, please don’t let her be as fearless as Rowdy. Never would she forgive herself if anything happened to Rowdy’s sister.

Anxiety left her mouth dry and made her heart race. “What are you doing here?” She’d hoped to sound in charge, confident and courageous when she spoke, but the words came out breathless and shaky.

Bemused, Fisher said, “I have no real idea.”

Though he held her arm too tightly, his thumb brushed over her skin, and that ramped up her fear factor even more. She’d rather Fisher abuse her than get amorous.

“What do you mean, you don’t know? You came here.”

He shrugged. “Meyer told me we were meeting a thug who would discourage your lover. I’m as surprised as you are by his plans.”

“You were balking at the idea of chasing her,” Meyer explained. “I had to take matters into my own hands.”

“This changes nothing.” Fisher held on to Avery when she tried to wrench away. Forcefully, he pressed her into a chair at the kitchen table. “I don’t mind getting a little revenge, but she’s used goods now and no longer appeals to me.”

“Used goods?”

“You’ve been f**king a broken, lowlife brute. Do you have any idea how that repels me?”


“No, Avery, don’t be that way. He’ll change his mind.” Meyer paced to the windows to look out. “Once your bodyguard is gone, Fisher will see again how perfectly suited the two of you are.”

“You’re insane,” Avery whispered. “I’m not going to listen to this.” She started to stand.

Fisher slammed her back down in the chair. “Be quiet.” He stepped behind her, both hands on her shoulders close to her neck. He tightened his hold, keeping her locked in fear. “In this instance, Meyer, I have to wonder if she’s right.”

“She’s wrong!” He jerked around to face them—a gun in his hand.

Ohmigod. Even if she got away from Fisher’s hold, she’d never make it to the door in time to get out, not without being shot. Knowing Pepper was somewhere in the room only amplified her fear. If she was even half as daring as Rowdy, she might try to rush Meyer. And if she did, he very well might kill her.

“Meyer.” Fisher’s tone held a new edge. “Just what are you doing?”

“I’m setting things right. Sonya wants her home, so home she will be. Now, do your bit, damn you.”

From the corner of her eye, Avery saw a shadow move. Pepper. No, no, no.

“My bit?” Fisher asked, thankfully keeping Meyer’s attention.

“You’re an abusive ass, Fisher.” Meyer pulled out a chair opposite them and sat down as casual as you please. He crossed his legs and rested his gun hand on the tabletop—pointed toward them.

Avery had the horrible suspicion that Fisher stood behind her so that she could be his shield. The miserable coward.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Fisher said. But Avery heard the lie in his voice—and so did Meyer.

“I’ve known it for years. The women you’ve paid not to prosecute. The women you’ve hurt.”

Out of sheer surprise, Fisher’s hands loosened. “I don’t know where you heard such lies, but I assure you—”

“Please. Where women are concerned, you’re a masochistic prick.” Meyer shrugged, uncaring. “I’ve convinced Sonya otherwise, of course. I’ve not only played up your good deeds but I’ve painstakingly covered the tracks of your ill repute.”

“Why?” Avery whispered. This man knew that Fisher had tried to rape her. He was saying Fisher had done so to other women. Rage crept in around the hurt and fear. “Why would you do that?”

As if it explained everything, Meyer said, “He comes from a good family. He has the respect of the community, is well looked upon by the press. He produces excellent business results. My colleagues love him. And your mother is fond of him.”

Fisher shook his head, but he didn’t deny any of it. “Damn, Meyer, I don’t know what to say.”

Meyer waved it off. “I have my own investigators, you know. They’ve made sure you haven’t left any messes behind. That f**kup with was touch and go, especially where her mother is concerned. But I managed to convince Sonya that you were an innocent pawn and that Avery was just upset over losing her father and her mother marrying me. I was very sincere, very hurt over the slight Avery dealt me with her attitude. I played the loving stepfather to a tee.” He grinned. “I assured her Avery would return home where she belonged after she got the wildness out of her system. But it’s gone on too long, and Sonya has suffered too much. So now you’ll do what needs to be done.”

“That being?”

“Sonya wants her daughter back. As long as you get Avery to toe the line, I have no qualms how you do it.” He looked Avery in the eyes. “Maybe get her pregnant.”

“Go to hell!” She struggled away from Fisher, and he barely caught her, jerking her around with her back to his chest, locking his massive arms around her. “You won’t touch me!” she insisted while fighting him.

Fisher laughed. “I’m touching you now.” Copyright 2016 - 2024