Pepper lifted her brows. “I thought you wanted her to get rid of the place.”

He knew he’d confused his sister, but then, he was also so many things. “I do. But either way, as long as others think she’s there, I want to take some precautions so if anyone comes around there snooping, we’ll know it.”

Avery didn’t pull away from him. “I can be ready in ten minutes.”

“Why don’t you and Pepper hang out and visit? I won’t be long.” He picked up his keys, put them in his jeans pocket.

Suspicion brought Avery out of her chair. “You promise you’re not going after Fisher?”

“I told you we’d confront him together.” He didn’t look at her as he went to the bedroom to get his shoes. “I don’t lie.”

Avery said gently, “I know.”

At the same time Pepper snorted. “Since when?”

To his sister, he clarified, “I don’t lie to you, and I don’t lie to Avery. That’s what I meant.” When necessary, in other situations, he had no problem at all saying whatever he needed to.

Then again, he’d just told Avery that she should stay with him, without explaining that he wanted her to get rid of the apartment, to cut back at work, all because he wanted her safe—away from the inherent danger in his world.

A lie of omission, if not an outright whopper.

The significance of that statement wasn’t lost on his sister; he’d just elevated Avery’s importance to him in a very big way.

Again Pepper looked back and forth between them. She caught on, understanding that he needed some time alone but didn’t want to leave Avery by herself. He and Pepper had always had that special connection, a way of communicating without words.

Faking a bright smile, Pepper said, “I would like to hang out, Avery, if you don’t mind.”

Avery’s smile was too strained. “I’d enjoy that, thank you. If you don’t mind, I’ll go take my shower right now, and then we can visit.”

Rowdy caught her hand as she headed past him.

She hung back a few seconds before coming in close, wrapping her arms around him.

God, it felt good. Rowdy hugged her close and pressed his mouth to the top of her head. “I won’t be gone that long, babe. A few hours, tops.”

“I know.”

But he sensed her gloom and it bothered him. “If you’re fretting, don’t.” He nudged her face up so he could see her eyes. “All I have planned is to buy security equipment, maybe go by your apartment to get whatever you need then come back here with you.” He looked into her eyes, willing her to understand. “Believe me?”

Her smile touched his soul. “Always.”

Hand over her heart, Pepper said with stageworthy drama, “So romantic. I’m ready to swoon.”

Rowdy tossed one of the bed pillows at her.

She caught it and hugged it tight. “If you’re going to install new equipment at the bar, I can help with that, right?”

“Sure.” Keeping Avery close, he asked, “How late will Logan be working?”

“Hard to say. Guess it depends on what he finds.” She tossed the pillow back to the bed. “Since he’s out being heroic and all, I probably shouldn’t complain.”

Keeping in mind what Peterson had disclosed, Rowdy understood why Logan might be so busy. Like him, Logan wanted to keep Pepper safe, well away from the cruelty that existed in everyday life.

To help keep Pepper busy, he made an offer—with conditions. “I don’t want you leaving the bar alone, but if Logan comes by to get you when he’s done, then you can hang out with us as long as you want.”

Pepper agreed, then called Logan to fill him in while Rowdy finishing getting ready to go.

He was glad Avery would have company, and appreciated the opportunity to go by her apartment to make a few arrangements. If Fisher even drove by, Rowdy would know about it.

He was an expert at setting up surveillance, and he knew how to cover his tracks. Fisher was as good as busted—and then he’d be out of Avery’s life once and for all.


EVEN KNOWING PEPPER waited on her, Avery took her time showering, washing her hair then applying some makeup. Pepper was so incredibly beautiful that she felt like a dud next to her.

Her plain jeans, flat shoes and sweatshirt couldn’t compare with Pepper’s take-no-prisoners attractive style. Pepper had one of those figures that no matter what she wore, it looked sexy. Today she had on skinny jeans, high boots, and a black, snug-fitting thermal shirt that not only emphasized her curves, it also made her incredible blond hair even more noticeable. Pepper wore makeup like a pro, but looked just as stunning without it.

When she exited the bathroom, Avery found Pepper on the couch, making herself at home. She’d removed her boots and had her feet propped on the table as she flipped through the pages of a book.

Avery would have asked if she wanted anything, but she saw that Pepper had already switched from coffee to cola.

Taking the chair opposite her, Avery curled up, her feet tucked under her, and waited for Pepper’s attention.

“My brother really is pretty amazing.”


She held up the book on small-business management. “He’s always done stuff like this. Educated himself in whatever way he needed to.” Pepper set the book aside, then drifted her fingers over the cover. “Mostly that meant teaching himself to fight, to steal and how to cheat without getting caught.” Copyright 2016 - 2024