Blue hair ribbons are in style again.

Miss Patty Fairchild of this City has not been doing as well in Declamation lately as formerly.

MR. Noble Dill of this City is seldom seen on the streets of the City without smoking a cigarette.

Miss Julia Atwater of this City is out of the City.

The Mr. Rayfort family of this City have been presented with the present of a new Cat by Geo. the man employed by Balf & CO. This cat is perfectly beautiful and still quite young.

Miss Julia Atwater of this City is visiting friends in the South. The family have had many letters from her that are read by each and all of the family.

Mr. Noble Dill of this City is in business with his Father.

There was quite a wind storm Thursday doing damage to shade trees in many parts of our beautiful City.

From Letters to the family Miss Julia Atwater of this City is enjoying her visit in the south a great deal.

Miss Patty Fairchild of the 7 A of this City, will probably not pass in ARithmetiC--unless great improvement takes place before Examination.

Miss Julia Atwater of this City wrote a letter to the family stating while visiting in the South she has made an engagement to be married to Mr. Crum of that City. The family do not know who this Mr. Crum is but It is said he is a widower though he has been diVorced with a great many children.

The new ditch of the Mr. Henry D. Vance, backyard of this City is about through now as little remain to be done and it is thought the beighborhood will son look better. Subscribe NOW 25c. Per Year Adv. 45c. up. Atwater & Co. Newspaper Building 25 Cents Per Years.

It may be assumed that the last of the news items was wasted upon Noble Dill and that he never knew of the neighbourhood improvement believed to be imminent as a result of the final touches to the ditch of the Mr. Henry D. Vance backyard. Copyright 2016 - 2025