“High Fist,” Whiskeyjack began, “Captain Paran's made it. He's sitting across from me right now. His story is that Oponn's working through his sword, not him.” He met the captain's eyes. “I believe him.”

Dujek spoke. “Captain?”

“Yes, High Fist?”

“Was Toc any help?”

Paran winced. “He gave his life for this, High Fist. The puppet Hairlock ambushed us, tossed Toc into a-a rent or something.”

There was silence, then Dujek said, his voice hoarse, “I'm sorry to hear that, Captain. More than you know. His father: Well, enough of that. Go on, Whiskeyjack.”

“No success yet in contacting the local Assassins” Guild, High Fist. We've mined the intersections, though. I'll be explaining everything to my men tonight. The question remains what to do about Captain Paran., “Understood,” Dujek replied. “Captain Paran?”


“Have you come to any conclusions?” Paran glanced at Whiskeyjack. “Yes, sir. I think so.”

“So? What choice will you make, Captain?”

He ran a hand through his hair and leaned back in the chair. “High Fist,” he said slowly, “Tayschrenn killed Tattersail.” And failed, but that is a secret I will keep to myself. “The Adjunct's plan included betraying her word to me, and probably killing me in the process. But, I admit, that's secondary to what Tayschrenn did.” Looking up, he met Whiskeyjack's steady gaze. “Tattersail took care of me, and I her after that Hound. It:” he hesitated “: it meant something, High Fist.” He straightened.

“So, I gather you intend to defy the Empress. But what then? Do we challenge the Empire's hundred legions with ten thousand men? Do we proclaim an independent kingdom and wait for Laseen to make an example of us? I need more details, High Fist, before I decide whether I join you. Because, sir, I want vengeance.”

Dujek responded, “The Empress loses Genabackis, Captain. We've got the support for that. By the time the Malazan Marines arrive to reinforce the campaign, it'll already be over. The Crimson Guard won't even let them disembark. Expect Nathilog to rise up and Genabaris to follow. The Moranth alliance is about to lose its punch-though I'm afraid I can't give you the details on that.

“My plans, Captain? They might not make sense, because I don't have time to explain. But we're readying ourselves to take on a new player in the game-someone completely outside all of this, and that someone is damn nasty. He is called the Pannion Seer, who even now prepares his armies for a holy war. You want vengeance? Leave Tayschrenn to enemies closer to home. As for Lorn, she's all yours, if you can manage it. I can't offer you anything more, Captain. You can say no. Nobody will kill you for that.”

Paran stared at his hands. “I want to know when High Mage Tayschrenn gets what he deserves.”


“Very well, High Fist. As far as this present situation is concerned, however, I'd rather Sergeant Whiskeyjack remained in command.”

Dujek asked, a grin in his voice, “Whiskeyjack?”

“Accepted,” the sergeant answered. He smiled at Paran. “Welcome aboard, Captain.”

“Enough?” Dujek asked.

“We'll speak again after it's all done,” Whiskeyjack said. “Until then, High Fist, success.”

“Success, Whiskeyjack.”

The threads of light faded. As soon as they were gone Kalam rounded on his sergeant. “You old bastard! Fiddler told me Dujek wouldn't hear any talk of revolt! Not only that, the High Fist told you to walk after this mission.”

Whiskeyjack shrugged, removing the strange contraption from the table. “Things change, Corporal. When Dujek got the Adjunct's word on next year's reinforcements, it became obvious that someone was ensuring that the Genabackan Campaign would end in disaster. Now, even Dujek won't tolerate that. Obviously, plans would have to be revised.” He faced Paran, his eyes hardening. “I'm sorry, Captain, but Lorn has to live.”

“But the High Fist-”

Whiskeyjack shook his head. “She's on her way into the city, assuming that she and the Imass succeed in freeing the Jaghut. The Tyrant will need a reason to come to Darujhistan, and we can only assume that, somehow, Lorn will be that reason. She will find us, Captain. Once that happens, we'll decide, what's to be done with her, depending on what she tells us.

“If you challenge her openly, she will kill you. If necessary, she will have to die, but her demise will be subtle. Do you have problems with any of this?”

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