"You misunderstand," Darkyn replied. "She didn't offer up a living Immortal. She agreed to return the soul of one who is dead-dead. That was the condition of the deal."

Gabe's hands clenched. It was a violation of multiple rules within the Immortal Code. No part of him doubted she'd done it. Worse, if she made the commitment, he was obligated to fulfill it.

"Whose is it?" he demanded.


"The father of the Council That Was Seven?" Gabriel asked, not understanding why the Dark One chose the Immortal that was his archenemy for thousands of years.

Darkyn shrugged. "My master's reasons were his own. The debt was incurred before I took over. I am simply collecting on the debt, as is my obligation."

"I have to verify it with the Oracle first."

"As you wish."

"Anything else?" Gabriel asked, sensing there was more to the demon lord's journey from Hell. "Like why your demons are stalking this woman?" He gestured to the apartment.

"She …left something for me."

Surprised by the response, Gabriel followed Darkyn's eyes around the apartment.

"Rather, past-Deidre did," Darkyn added. "I've not been able to locate it."

"Let me know what it is. I'll help you search," Gabriel said wryly.

"Perhaps in time. I will find it, Gabriel." The threat in his growl was apparent.

"Hope I find it first. I'd love to have a bargaining chip," Gabriel said.

"It's a personal vendetta. Mine, not my predecessor's. There's no record of this."

"Gods. I'll add your name to the list of enemies. Never heard of someone in your position making an unofficial deal."

"It's more of a personal debt. One you are not obligated to pay but she was."

At the end of his patience with the cryptic demon, Gabriel left. He returned to the Sanctuary, to the Oracle, who was busy scribbling. He flipped backwards in the book to the portion that no longer changed.

"Show me the deal past-Death made with the Dark One," he ordered the book.

A vision formed before him. Gabe watched it, anger stirring as the Oracle confirmed Darkyn's story about bringing back a dead-dead immortal. The deal was made before Darkyn assumed the helm of Hell.

Immortal Code, Rule 302: Debts incurred by a deity shall not expire and shall be transferred to successors until settled.

"Show me this personal debt between past-Death and Darkyn."

No images formed. If past-Death and Darkyn made any kind of deal, the Oracle would have record of it.

Was it possible to make a private deal, outside the visibility of the other deities?

Gabriel leaned against the lectern. Unable to tamper with Fate's court any more than Death could, the Dark One was taking a risk at wanting Wynn raised from the dead-dead. While he had to fulfill the debt past-Death incurred, Gabriel at least might postpone it until he had time to warn Rhyn. He'd never thought of being locked out of the underworld as an advantage, but the soul Darkyn wanted wasn't likely one of those in the lakes on the mortal world.

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