“I guess it’s a good thing your surgery hasn’t kicked in yet.”

A shadow passed over Gabriel’s features, but then it was gone, like an errant cloud on a summer’s day.

“So I just need a replacement package of pills until I get back to Boston.” Julia explained her situation to the pharmacist the following morning.

The pharmacist nodded. “That shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll call your pharmacy back home. It should only take a few minutes. Just have a seat.”

“Thank you.”

Julia rejoined Gabriel in the waiting area that was nestled inside the small Selinsgrove pharmacy.

“Is everything all right?” He gave her a concerned look.

“Yes.” She breathed a sigh of relief. “It shouldn’t take too long.”

Gabriel pulled out his iPhone and began pressing some buttons.

“What are you doing?” She looked over at him with interest.

“While you were talking to the pharmacist, I was checking our messages. My urologist’s office called.”

“Should you call him back?”

“If you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind.” Julia frowned. “Why is he calling you over Christmas vacation?”

“I don’t know. I was expecting a call a couple of weeks ago about my latest test results. There probably hasn’t been a change.” He looked unhappy.

“The doctor said it could take up to a year. Don’t worry.” Julia took his left hand in hers.

He kissed the back of her hand before standing and walking to the front of the store.

By the time he returned, Julia had already received her prescription, paid for it, and taken the first pill.

Gabriel planted his feet, staring at her prescription bag.

She looked up into wide, conflicted eyes.

“What’s the matter?”

“Let’s go home.” He moved to touch the small of her back, guiding her toward the door.

“Is everything all right?”

“We’ll talk in the car.”

Julia dutifully walked with him to the Jeep, which was parked outside. It was the vehicle that Gabriel kept in Selinsgrove simply for convenience.

“You’re scaring me,” she whispered.

“No need to panic.” He opened the passenger door, waiting until she was situated before closing it.

When he climbed into the driver’s seat, he didn’t bother placing his key in the ignition. He simply put his iPhone on the dashboard and turned to her.

Julia could see by his expression that he was struggling.

“Was it bad news?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Then what is it?”

Gabriel took her hand in his, tracing the hills and valleys of her knuckles with his thumb. He stopped at her wedding band.

“Look at me.”

She met his eyes, her heart beginning to pound in her chest.

“I don’t want you to panic, all right?”

“Gabriel, I’m panicking. Just spit it out.”

He pressed his lips together.

“The doctor’s office called to give me my latest test results. They were supposed to call two weeks ago, but there was an—anomaly.”

“An anomaly?”

“The test results were positive.” He was speaking slowly, very slowly, his eyes searching hers.

Then he waited for the import of his revelation to sink in.

She blinked. Several times. “So you’re—?”


“But that’s impossible. It’s hasn’t been three months yet.”

“I know. They repeated the test and received the same results. Apparently, the doctor would like to use my story as a testimonial.”

Gabriel’s proud smile disappeared when he saw Julia’s face.

“Even if I’m fertile, it doesn’t matter. You’ve been on the pill since September. It would take more than a month for your system to get back to normal, wouldn’t it?”

“I don’t know. They warn you to use backup birth control if you miss a couple of pills. And I missed a whole package.” Julia lifted a shaking hand to her mouth.

Gabriel wrapped his arm around her shoulder, drawing her close.

“I’ll go back into the drugstore and buy a pregnancy test. Then we’ll know for sure.”

Julia’s eyebrows shot up. “Right now?”

“Would you rather wait?”

“This can’t be happening.” She dropped her face into her hands.

Gabriel flinched.

“Would it really be so terrible?” he mumbled, rubbing his chin.

When she didn’t answer, he touched her shoulder. “I’ll be right back.”

Julia leaned back against the headrest and closed her eyes, calling on all deities named and unnamed to come to her aid.

Chapter Sixty-seven

December 28, 2011

Washington, D.C.

Natalie Lundy stared at her cell phone and cursed. She’d placed call after call, leaving message after message, but now the number she’d been dialing for several weeks was no longer in service. Simon had changed his number. And her emails had gone unanswered.

She gazed at the cardboard box that sat on the floor, its contents silently mocking her. She was jobless.

The day after the announcement of Simon’s engagement, she’d been summoned to the office of Senator Talbot’s campaign manager. At least Robert had had the good sense to be embarrassed about what he was about to do.

“We have to let you go,” he said, avoiding her eyes.


“We’re overstaffed. The senator wants us to make some cuts, and personnel are the first thing to go. I’m sorry.”

Natalie lifted a single eyebrow at him. “This wouldn’t have anything to do with my relationship with Simon, would it?”

“Of course not,” Robert lied smoothly. “It’s business, not personal.”

“Don’t give me that Godfather bullshit. I’ve seen the movie.”

Robert’s eyes moved to the space behind her, and he nodded. “Alex here will walk you out. If you want, I can make a phone call to Harrisburg and see about getting you a position with one of the state senators.”

“Go f**k yourself.” She stood to her feet. “You can tell the senator and his son to do the same thing. They want to be rid of me, fine. But this isn’t over. I’m sure Andrew Sampson at the Post would be interested in hearing what I have to say about the way the Talbots do business.”

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