I love my brother-in-law but his idea of a good time is watching sports on the couch, remote in one hand and a beer in the other. Not my thing at all.

I push back from the table. "I need to go."

There's a flurry of sound behind me as they all push their chairs back and follow me into the kitchen.

"Thanks for letting me know that you're backing out of the deal." I grab my scarf and wrap it around my neck. I motion for Brenna to hand me my coat which is hanging on a hook next to the back door.

She hands it over, watching me warily. "Why are you thanking us?"

I pull the coat on, zip it and then flip up the hood in preparation for stepping out into the chilly night air. Then I look behind me. Brenna and Audra stand by my Mom. That's kind of the way it's always been though. I've never really belonged, not even in my own family.

"I'm thanking you for letting me know early enough so that I can find other investors. Luckily I have friends who are willing to help me learn about the business side of things but I still have a lot of work to do. Including planning a grand opening on a shoestring budget.”

Mom glances over at the others. "You mean you're still going through with it?"

"Just because you guys don't think it's a good idea, doesn't mean that it won't be a success. And I'm glad to know what you really think of me. I was silly enough to actually think that you guys were proud of me for trying to follow my dreams but that's only when those dreams match up with what you want me to do. I won't make that mistake again."

I step out onto the back steps, pulling the door shut behind me over their startled protests. My fists clench at my sides and I have to restrain myself from turning around and pounding on the door. But I don't have time for nonsense. It's time for me to go hunting.

I need to find twenty thousand dollars.

*   *   *   *   *

The next day, I pivot in front of the full-length mirror in my bedroom, finally satisfied with my outfit. I have to get ready to leave since Emma asked me to help her set up for the surprise engagement party she's throwing for her future brother-in-law. Despite being rich, handsome and charming, Finn is also really nice. He even got me a recurring gig at a big hotel in Virginia Beach that pays my rent most months.

When he found out that I was starting a business, he promised to introduce me to some other small business owners that can help me. More than likely, I’ll be doing some networking tonight at this party so I want to look festive but professional, too. Finn knows me as a singer. Tonight, I need to show everyone that I'm a businesswoman, too.

If only I could show my own family as easily. I spent all night making plans on my ancient laptop. I can’t deny that it hurts, knowing that my own family is just waiting for me to fail, but it only makes me more determined. I can do this.

I’m a businesswoman.

I repeat that to myself as I put the finishing touches on my outfit and through the entire drive to Norfolk.

Finn's penthouse is in a newly redeveloped section of the city.  A rich part of the city. When I pull up, someone is pulling out of a space directly in front of the building. I quickly pull in and cut the engine. I look up at the impressive gray structure and have to swallow against a sudden attack of nerves. The first time I saw Finn arrive at Tank and Emma's place in a black Bentley that probably cost more than the duplex I live in, it was surreal.

Now I'm going to his penthouse. 

I wonder if he has cool rich guy toys like a real life version of Batman or something. It's hard to believe that I know people with this kind of wealth. It's the kind of thing you see on television or in movies but is so far removed from your normal existence that it doesn't even register. However, it'll be different seeing it up close and personal. But this isn't just a social visit. This party has the potential to change my life.

As I gather my things, I remind myself to keep my cool when I get up there. No gawking. I need to be cool and sophisticated.

I walk into the lobby and falter when I see a guard behind a desk. Am I supposed to check in or what? Luckily before I can work myself into a state of anxiety, Emma walks in. She waves to the guy behind the desk and then holds out her arms for a hug. With her long blond hair and blue eyes, she looks so innocent. It's hard to believe that we bonded over our crappy jobs at a strip club, where I was singing and Emma used to wait tables.

"I'm so glad you're here! My sister just texted me that she's running behind so I really need the help." Emma planned this surprise engagement party for her future brother-in-law and I know she wants everything to be perfect. "Eli and Kay are still coming, right?"

"They plan to. Kay told me they were when I talked to her a few days ago."

Emma visibly relaxes. "This is going to be so much fun. Finn and Rissa are going to be so surprised!"

"Where are they anyway?"

"Tank got them dinner reservations at that new French place. They should have just arrived so we have at least two hours before they get back home."

We ride up to the penthouse and she opens the door with a key. Emma immediately puts me to work crafting crepe paper bows and hanging the small banner she had rolled up in her bag.

"So, who is this guy? The businessman?" I add when she looks at me blankly.

"Actually, I'm not sure. Finn said he knew a few people but had to check to see if they could do it. I've invited all his friends so I just assumed whoever it is will be here. Since the party is a surprise, I couldn't exactly ask Finn."

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