"Gabe was stabbed that night after he left your house. Tank took him to the hospital."

I sit then, my breath forced from my chest when I hit the cushions so suddenly. "Oh my god. Is he okay? He's not … " Was that why Eli looked so scared to tell me? Because Gabe is dead?

"No, he's okay. He had surgery but he's out of the hospital now. Apparently he checked himself out against his doctor's advice."

"I have to go see him."

Eli looks uncomfortable. "I'm not so sure that’s a good idea. He asked me to keep you away from him. That must mean he thinks being around him is dangerous."

"I need to see him. Otherwise, you know I’ll just break away at the first opportunity. Isn’t it safer for me to go when you’re right there?"

He doesn't look happy about it but he agrees.

We're all quiet in the car on the way there. I want to call Gabe but part of me thinks that just showing up is better. If he really pushed me away for my own good, then he isn't going to want me to come now. But I need to know that he's okay and I won't believe it until I see it with my own eyes.

Zack answers the door and immediately pulls me into a hug. Relief floods through me. He seems happy so I figure Gabe can't be hurt too badly. Josie peers around the corner from the kitchen and waves. I wave back and then turn to Kay and Eli.

As usual, Kay knows what I'm thinking.

"Go on. Don't worry about us. Take all the time you need."

I let out a deep breath and then with another encouraging nod from Zack, I climb the stairs. I push open Gabe’s door and walk into the dim interior of his room. At the first sight of him, I can't help it. I gasp out loud.

His eyes pop open. The one that's all purple and swollen only opens halfway. "I must be in heaven or somewhere like it."

It's such a Gabe thing to say. Even when he's in pain he's trying to charm me.

"Haven't you learned by now pickup lines don't work on me?" I sink down next to him and push his hair off his forehead gently. I'm scared to even touch him. Every inch of his skin looks bruised and he has a huge bandage on the left side of his torso.

"My angel. It's not a line if it's the truth," he whispers.

Then he seems to wake from his half dream state. His hand grabs mine. "Sasha? You're here. You're really here."

"I am. I had to see you. Even if you lied to me I had to know that you're okay."

"No, you can't be here. It's not safe. Zack! Zack!" He yells over and over until his brother appears in the doorway. "You have to get her out of here. Keep her safe."

I shake my head. "I remember you telling me once that I was stuck with you until I was well enough to kick you out. Well, it's your turn now. I'm not going anywhere."

Zack smiles at us both. "It looks like you're in good hands. Sasha, his pain pills are on the nightstand. He's due for another dose in about an hour."

Gabe looks mutinous. After Zack leaves, I touch his hand lightly. "Is it really that hard to have me here?"

He turns toward me, the agony the movement causes him evident when he grimaces halfway through. "It's hard for me every day that I wake up and you're not with me. But I want you safe more than anything else."

His words stoke a renewed hope within me. "But you said … "

"I lied, Sasha. I'm a liar. A very skilled one. Convincing you that I didn't love you was the greatest con of my career. It ripped my heart out but when I saw that knife, I knew I had to do it."

I remember the picture and its ominous message. Eli had said that he thought Gabe was trying to protect me. Suddenly his cruel words and abrupt departure make a lot of sense. And the love I've been trying to stifle comes roaring back.

"Well, you aren't getting rid of me that easily." I rest my head on the only part of his body that isn't bruised, his shoulder. As I cry softly in happiness and relief, I feel him kiss the top of my hair gently.

"I love you so much, Sasha."

After a few minutes, I remember that Kay and Eli are still downstairs waiting for me. "Hold on. I'll be right back."

He nods drowsily. I walk back downstairs. Josie and Zack have disappeared. Kay and Eli are sitting in the living room holding hands. They both jump up when I appear.

"I'm going to be staying here for a little while. I'll get my stuff later but for now, yeah. I'll be here." I can tell I'm beaming when I say it.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Eli looks so worried that all I can do is give him a hug. The big lug has really grown on me lately.

"I'm sure. I know what I want now."

"Oh honey, I'm so happy for you." Kay holds out her arms and hugs me close. When she pulls away, we're both wiping away tears.

Eli pulls Kay into his arms. "Come on, baby. Let Sasha take care of Gabe so I can take care of you."

I give Eli a grateful smile and walk them to the front door. He turns at the last second. "Sasha? The love of a good woman can overcome a troubled past. I'm proof of that." Then they're gone.

Upstairs, Gabe stirs when I come back in the room. I can tell he's been medicated because his eyes are slightly unfocused and he seems to have trouble following my movements around the room. I had started leaving random things at his house anyway so I pull out a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt and change my clothes. Then I climb carefully into the bed next to him.

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