His mask is back and my Gabe is gone.

“Sasha, I was wrong when I told you that I could do this. This, all of this, is getting too real. You deserve the kind of guy that can be there for you, who can make you happy and hold you when you’re sad. I tried to be that guy … ”

It sounds like he’s reading from a script. Despite that, my heart still drops to the floor. He’s pushing me away.

“You do make me happy. I love you.”

Gabe runs a hand through his hair in agitation. “That’s because you don’t really know me. I did more than just steal cars, Sasha. I stole lives. I manipulated people who trusted me. It’s a compulsion I have to play with people. To see how far they’ll let me go.”

Everything he’s saying is shredding me, like I’m swallowing knives. Listening to him, hearing his callous recitation of the things he’s done is draining me until I have to cling to the doorframe just to stay on my feet.

“But I do know you, Gabe. That’s not who you are. It’s not.” The words are as much for my benefit as his. I can’t accept that he’s not who I think he is. Because taking that away makes me feel like someone just died.

“I blame myself for this.” His voice is smooth, almost seductive. And cold as ice. “You have to understand, someone like you is irresistible to someone like me. So naive, so trusting. It's like asking an alcoholic to stay away from the bar. You can try but if they build a bar near your house, you won't succeed. Playing with you was just too much temptation for me.”

“I don't believe you. You’re trying to push me away and it won’t work. Just, please. Talk to me.” I’ve already lost my pride so I’m willing to beg. Anything to get him to stop saying these awful things.

Gabe makes a frustrated sound. “Your bank account number is 0004328567 and you keep the password written in an old day planner at the back of your closet.”

I gasp but he’s not done.

“Your social security card and birth certificate are tucked into that old Bible on your bookshelf. Probably so you don’t forget where they are, am I right? Your mother’s maiden name is Dalton. You told me that when you were telling me about your family. It was so easy to get everything I needed from you.”

I’m crying so hard now that Eli has ditched any appearance of giving us space.

“What the hell is going on?” Eli growls, glaring at Gabe. He pulls me into his arms, putting himself between us.

“I’m telling Sasha the truth. That I’m not good for her. And if you care about her like I think you do, you’ll make sure she doesn’t follow me.”

Then Gabe turns and walks down the driveway. I watch, feeling like everything I know has just gone up in flames.

Chapter fifteen


I want blood.

Walking away from Sasha’s door, her soft cries ringing in my ears, feels like cutting off my own arm. Lying to her about how I feel took all the acting skill I have. It was torture crushing her spirit and it did just as much damage to me convincing her that everything she felt for me was a lie. I feel torn open and gutted.

But the gaping hole in the center of my chest is soon filled with boiling rage and one purpose.

Getting to Blade.

I want to hit him where he lives. This asshole was in Sasha's house. He could have done anything and I wouldn't have been there to help her. The enormity of just how vulnerable she is sends a paralyzing wave of fear through me.

I almost collide with someone coming up the driveway. Tank. I have to suppress a growl of impatience. Convincing Eli and Sasha that I’m an asshole was easy. It’ll be harder to get by Tank. He’s not easy to manipulate.

“Where are you going?” He stops squarely in my path knowing that I’ll have to stop. If I want to get by him, I’d have to be able to push him out of the way. There are not many people big enough to take him.

“I have to go.”

He doesn’t move. “What do you mean you have to go? Sasha needs you right now.”

“We broke up. She’s not my problem anymore.” I give up on moving him and just walk around him.

He grabs my arm and I shrug it off angrily. I’m too primed to be polite right now.

“You expect me to believe that Sasha’s in danger and that you don’t care?” Tank narrows his eyes. “I don’t believe it. So I’ll ask you again. Where are you going?”

Now this I don’t need. If Tank thinks I’m going after Blade he’ll try to stop me. And Sasha isn’t safe with him out there.

“Just because we share DNA doesn’t mean I owe you any explanations. I don’t care what you believe as long as you get the fuck out of my way.”

Tank finally takes a step back. “I don’t know what the hell is going on but Gabe … ” He eyes me with a hard look.  “Don’t do anything stupid.”

I start walking down Sasha’s driveway and then into the street. Direction won’t matter. Blade will still be nearby. Watching. Waiting. Sure enough, after I walk two blocks over, I see him. He’s got a baseball cap on but I know that walk.


He looks back and then takes off running. I sprint after him, dodging around a parked car to follow him down a side street. As soon as I turn the corner, a fist plows into my stomach.

“Shit!” I swing out blindly, catching him in the arm.

He pulls me up and then unleashes a flurry of jabs to my chest. I manage to block a few and deliver a punch to his jaw that makes his head snap back but that doesn’t slow him at all. It’s clear that he’s an experienced fighter and before long, he catches me on the side of the head so hard I see stars. Then his arms slashes out and fire explodes in my side.

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