By the time I circle the entire room and come back to Josie’s collection, I have to admit that hers are my favorite.

“Sasha! I’m so glad you came.” Josie appears at my elbow looking like a screen siren in a black sheath dress and pearls. Her dark hair contrasts with her dramatic red lip color in an elegant way.

“Hi. I was just admiring your photos again. Everyone here is really talented but yours are definitely the best.”

Although I doubt my opinion matters that much to her, she beams at the compliment.

“Thank you. I’ve worked so hard on this series. I almost didn’t participate in this show. It’s such an honor to be asked but I wasn’t sure I could deal with all the fallout. My parents still aren’t speaking to me. I guess I should look at that as a positive thing.”

There’s nothing in her attitude or behavior that makes her seem insincere. She seems so nice. And charmingly self-deprecating. I instantly feel worse for the things I’ve been thinking about her.

“Well, I’m glad you decided to do it.”

“I probably wouldn’t have if Gabe hadn’t talked me into it. He’s always believed in me. Even when I didn’t believe in myself. He’s an amazing friend.”

When she talks about Gabe her expression softens. It’s clear that she loves him. Jealousy flares again, strong and bright. I don’t want to ask but it’ll always be between us otherwise.

“Is that all he is? A friend?”

Josie turns to me with sympathy in her eyes. “Yes. Gabe protected me at a time in my life when I was really vulnerable. But he’s not the one…” She glances over her shoulder.

I follow her line of sight to where Zack stands. He’s talking to Gabe and the man I assume is their customer. He’s cleaned up for the event and is wearing a black suit, white shirt and a blue tie. He slicked up the front of his hair instead of doing his usual row of spikes.

His eyes drift over Gabe’s shoulder and when he notices Josie looking, he stiffens. An intense look passes over his features before he turns his back. I look over at Josie. She looks tortured.

“Oh. I think I understand.”

“Yeah. I just wanted to make sure you understood. I know most people don’t. But I’ve never seen Gabe like this with a girl before. Don’t give up on him when he gets weird. There are times when he gets really remote. Really distant. It can be work to get him to open up. But he’s worth it.”

When her gaze goes back to Zack, I actually feel a little sorry for her. I’m not sure what the deal is between them but she’s obviously hurting. The picture of the woman watching the couple with tears in her eyes is starting to make a lot of sense.

I turn to Josie. “Would you mind showing me around? I’ve looked at the other collections but I’d love to see the ones you think are the best.”

The night started with me thinking Josie was the enemy but we actually have more in common than I thought. We’re both in love with men we’re not sure how to reach.

As she leads me away, I hope that I can distract us both. 

*   *   *   *   *

Josie shows me some of her favorite photos in the show and even introduces me to the owner of the gallery. He’s the flirtatious type and I can’t help giggling a little as he compliments my dress. He has a manner that reminds me of Gabe, playful and charming. He’s an older man, tall and distinguished looking, who clearly thinks that Josie walks on water.

I leave them discussing the possibility of another show and wander some more.

Gabe appears by my side while I’m examining one of the more raunchy photos. He raises an eyebrow. Despite my determination to be worldly and sophisticated, heat climbs my neck.

“Interesting. I didn’t even know the human spine could bend that way.” He takes my arm in his. I follow his lead and allow him to guide me in between the exhibits.

“Where are we going?” I don’t see Zack anywhere and the crowd has started to thin. We’re able to move through the room easily now.

“I want to show you something.” Gabe’s tone is clipped.

I glance over at him in trepidation. Is he angry with me for not mingling? For a brief moment I wonder if Josie told him what I asked about them being just friends, then I dismiss that idea. I saw the way she looked at Zack. She’s definitely not after anyone else.

“Are you okay?” I ask softly. Gabe doesn’t answer but suddenly turns right and pushes me through a door. The door shuts behind me and we’re plunged into darkness. Then I feel his hands skim up my arms and into my hair.

“Gabe, where—“

My words are swallowed by the vehemence of his kiss. His hands grip my face so hard it almost hurts and I can barely breathe. When he pulls back, I suck in a few desperate breaths before he takes my mouth again, gentler this time. Desire sparks and I wrap one leg around his waist, using it as leverage to climb his body until I’m in his arms.

He grips my ass, supporting my weight. It feels like I’m caught in some kind of tornado as I run my hands all over him, trying to touch, taste and feel all at once.

“He was smiling at you,” Gabe rasps. His mouth is on my ear and I shudder violently as he places hot, suctioning kisses all the way down my neck.

“Who? What?” I stammer as he angles me against the wall, using it to support some of my weight so he can get his hands free.

“Mr. Hartwell. The owner of the gallery.” Copyright 2016 - 2024