"Gabe, don't stop." She shudders when I move to the other side, treating her other nipple to the same teasing caress.

“I'm not stopping, beautiful. I couldn't even if I tried.” I flex my hips and my cock nudges against her core. She gives an appreciative murmur and swivels her hips in response.

"Jesus. You're a sexy little thing, you know that? You love to tease."

She bites her lips and nods, her breath coming a little harder when I flex again.

"Well, you're not the only one who can tease. I'm not giving you this until you beg me for it."

Sasha's eyes light up and then her legs wrap around my waist. Her undulations rub her right against my dick. Fuck. She's so hot and wet. I hang my head, trying in vain to get control of myself.  I groan when she kisses her way up my neck and then takes my lobe between her teeth.

"I'm not the one who'll be begging," she whispers. Then her hands drop down until she grabs my ass and holds me against her.

Control gone, I almost come right then. "Please tell me you have a condom."

She points to her nightstand. I lean over and yank the top drawer out. There's a strip of three in the back of the drawer. Rolling one on should  give me the time I need to pull back from the edge but then Sasha rolls over and touches me tentatively. My cock jumps in her hand and she glances up with a naughty look before she licks the tip. Fire races over every inch of my skin as she sweeps her hair over her shoulder and opens wider, trying to take in more. When I bump the back of her throat, I almost black out when she swallows around me.

"Fuck it, you win." I pull back and get the condom on in record time. Then I crawl over her, pulling her legs around my waist. Before she can say anything, I thrust deep.

Her head falls back and she lets out a long, agonized moan. Her pussy clenches around me, holding me tight.

"Oh my god, I'm pretty sure we're both winning right now."

The laugh takes me by surprise and I have to smother it against her neck. Only Sasha could make me laugh at a moment like this. A sudden rush of affection takes me off guard. She has such a pure heart. I shouldn't be here, reveling in her sweetness. I'm more aware in that moment of how utterly unworthy I am of her. My heart is black, covered in years of grime from all the questionable choices I've made in my life.

But here in this moment, she makes me feel brand new.

"You don't even know what you do to me." My words are spoken so softly that I doubt she hears me but her arms tighten around my shoulders.

Before long, we have a perfect rhythm and as my hips roll against hers, I swear I'm getting deeper every time. She grasps at my forearms helplessly, her eyes widening when I hit a certain spot.

"Gabe! Yes, right there." She comes with a sharp cry and her nails dig into my skin until I'm sure she's drawn blood. Her pussy flutters and the strong contractions pull me over the edge, too. I groan against her hair and squeeze her tighter, feeling like I've died and come back to life simultaneously. 

We stay like that, breathing hard and wrapped up in each other's arms for a long time. She traces circles on my shoulder and rubs one of her legs up and down mine. Those little touches seem almost as intimate as what we just did. It's like she doesn't want to be separated from me yet.

When I turn my head, she's watching me but there's no regret in her gaze. She looks completely satisfied. Replete.

Every masculine instinct I have roars to life at having put that look on her face. It may be wrong but I'm going to take this stolen moment in time and enjoy it. I can't be what she deserves but I can give her this. I will worship at the altar of her body and give her the one thing I can.


*   *   *   *   *

Thursday morning I cram my feet in the flimsy pair of flip-flops that Sasha keeps near the door. When I went home, I just grabbed a pair of sweatpants, clean underwear and a few shirts. I didn’t think about footwear. I really need to keep a gym bag with sneakers and a change of clothes in my car from now on. Not that I'm planning on more sleepovers in the future but just in case.

Just in case she gets sick again? Yeah, right. 

I'm shamelessly taking advantage of the situation to spend time with her but even I know it's unlikely that Sasha will ever need my help like this again.

When I got up this morning, I spent a long time just staring at Sasha. I'd intended to get up after she fell asleep last night and go back to the guest room. I've never particularly liked sleeping next to someone. You end up getting too hot and fighting for the blankets. But I fell asleep with her ensconced in the cradle of my arms and woke up feeling warm. In more ways than one. I haven't slept this well in a long time and I can't even begin to examine what that means.

I open the front door, trash bag in hand, and then stop at the sight of a black SUV in the driveway. Sasha seems pretty concerned about her neighbors seeing a man at her place, which seems really old-fashioned to me. But I don't want her getting shit about me being here so I turn around to go back in when the guy calls out my name. He slams the door and walks up the driveway.

"Eli? I didn't recognize you at first."

I've met him a few times at Tank's place before seeing him at the engagement party so it's not like we don't know each other. But with the way he's glaring at me, it's clear he's not thrilled to see me at Sasha's house this early in the morning. Maybe she had a point about not wanting anyone to know I'm here.

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