"The fact that I couldn't find anything gives us a certain type of information. The only people who can hide from me are usually pretty well connected. Like CIA government connected."

The implications of what he's saying hit me all at once. "Like spies or something?"

Luke's eyes gleam as he nods.

"Shit. What the hell is Max into? Why would he need a list of spies?" If my father has a list of these names, they're either people he knows or people he's looking for. Neither of which sounds legal at all.

"Government operatives or people in witness protection. Not sure. That's what I'm going to find out."

"But I thought you said that you couldn't find them?"

Luke gives me a smug grin. "Just because I can't find them doesn't mean I can't find them. I asked my online buddy Cypher to look into it. No one can hide from him. In the meantime, watch your back."

As hard as it was to turn Sasha away, this situation is the perfect example of why I need to stay away from her. Something about her draws me, intrigues me and makes me lose sight of all the logical reasons why I avoid emotional entanglements. She makes me want to do all the things I normally run from, like asking her about her childhood and listening to her talk about her dreams.

There's something about her that makes me want to share those things with her. But getting close to someone carries risks, especially since I'm not sure what kind of blowback I'll get once we figure this thing out. Whatever Max has gotten himself into, it sounds like he's in with some pretty shady people. Being involved with someone would be as good as painting a target on her back.

It's bad enough that all of my brothers have to be on guard against whatever underhanded dealings my father has in the works. But Tank and Finn are ex-military so I know they can handle themselves. Zack is street smart just like I am and I definitely don't have to worry about Luke. He's managed to erase almost all evidence of his existence online. The kid probably has several alternate identities ready to go in case things go south.

"Where were you when I called?" Luke is watching me curiously now. I realize that I've just been sitting here in a daze, not talking but just staring off into space.

Suddenly he grins. "Your mouth is all swollen. I know that look. Damn man, sorry if I interrupted you while you were busy. Or getting busy."

I laugh at his childish glee. "Get your mind out of the gutter. I was at Finn and Rissa's engagement party. I might have been … busy afterward but it's nothing serious. It can't be anything serious. She deserves better than a guy like me."

I have no doubt that Luke already knows about me. He's probably looked into all of us. Tank already admitted that he did the same. There are few secrets amongst us now, which is for the best. I'm tired of hiding.

“But you've cleaned up. So what's the problem?" Luke asks.

"There's no problem. I just don't want her anywhere near my messy life. Whatever this shit is with Max, it can't end well. I can't drag her into this."

Luke nods and luckily lets the subject drop. As I finish my beer, a comfortable silence descends until he starts talking, hesitantly, about the software he’s working on. He’s been doing his best to stay away from this entire situation with Max but between my request for help and Finn’s insistence on visiting him every few days, I can tell he’s starting to accept that we’re going to be a part of his life. And that it might not be such a bad thing.

Half an hour later as I walk out into the cool night air, my senses are on high alert. Talking about the situation with Luke has only reinvigorated my earlier fears. Max could be running from someone. Or he could be someone that others run from. The uncertainty has me looking over my shoulder. Just thinking about it gives me that creepy feeling you get from being watched.

Before I can talk myself out of it, my phone is in my hand and I’m dialing a number that I haven’t used in a long time. Cole answers on the first ring.

“Wow. Gabe Marshall. It’s been a long time.”

His gravelly voice still sounds the same, like he’s been sucking on cigarettes since birth. My relationship with Cole is complicated. Zack hates him and blames him for teaching me how to find trouble at a young and impressionable age. But there are so many things my brother doesn’t know. It’s true that Cole corrupted me but in many ways he saved me, too.

“Yeah it has. I need a favor.”

He chuckles. “I know what that means. Give me the info.”

Cole is mainly known for boosting cars but he’s also like an information network. He knows everyone who knows everyone. Anyone on the wrong side of the law operating in the southern Virginia area will be on his radar. After giving him a quick description of the scarred guy I saw outside Max’s hotel, he’s silent for a minute.

“I’m on it. What have you been up to kid? You looking for work?”

In Cole’s world, my world, looking for work can only mean one thing. He’s putting together a job and he’s looking for players. For one illicit moment, I feel that old excitement, that anticipation. Then I ruthlessly squash it.

“Nah, I’m out of the life.”

He chuckles. “No one is ever really out of the life, kid. Call me if you change your mind.”

I force myself to walk to my car, ignoring the urge to check behind me again. This is the reason I decided to go straight. No more shadows around each corner. No more worries about who might be coming after me.  I'm done with all that and I won't let Max's troubles drag me back in.

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