Since that time I never saw any woman at the château, except once in an

isolated part of the park, where I met two shadowy beings, closely and

mysteriously veiled. They were taking a walk, accompanied by an old

fellow of singular aspect, clothed in a long robe with a tarbouch on

his head, who greatly excited my curiosity. My uncle told me that this

was His Excellency, Mohammed-Azis, one of his friends at Constantinople,

whom he had taken in with his family after they had undergone

persecution at the hands of the Sultan. He lodged him in another little

château adjoining Férouzat, in order that they might be able to live

more comfortably in Turkish style: those young persons were two of his


After that year, I never again stayed in Provence: for my uncle, having

settled in China and Japan, was absent five years, and my only relations

with him were through his banker at Paris, with whom I enjoyed that

solid and unlimited credit which you envied so much, and of which I

availed myself with such easy grace and in such a superbly reckless


You remember that I received a few months ago a letter announcing this

sudden misfortune, and requesting my immediate presence at Férouzat, to

remove the seals and open the will: my poor uncle had died in Abyssinia.

Well, the day after my arrival, I had only just got up, when Féraudet,

the notary, was announced. He came in, literally armed with documents. I

did not want to act like a greedy heir, but rather to put off for a few

days all the most material questions; my notary, however, informed me

that "there were certain clauses in the will which demanded an immediate

examination." My uncle had charged me, he said, with numerous trusts and

legacies "for the benefit of his god-children and of other parties

living a long distance off." All this was uttered in a mournful tone

suited to the occasion, and at the same time with the manner of a person

aware that he was the bearer of an extraordinary document, and preparing

me for its effect. Finally he opened the will, which was worded as

follows: "Château de Férouzat, ... 18..

"I, the undersigned, Claude-Anatole-Gratien Barbassou, Count of

Monteclaro, do hereby declare that I elect and designate as my universal

legatee and the sole inheritor of my property: of all my real and

personal estate, and all that I am entitled to of every description

soever, such as ..., &c.: my nephew Jérôme André de Peyrade, the son of

my sister: And I hereby command him to discharge the following legacies: Copyright 2016 - 2024