Some of the annoyed eyes stayed annoyed. Others turned amused, those belonging to the chicks.

“Jesus,” I mumbled through a laugh, then grabbed her chin, tilted her head back and kissed her, starting sweet with that, too, but then feeling her tongue on my lip, hot and ready, that feeling shooting straight to my dick and forcing me to take it dirty, my tongue sliding across hers and into her mouth and my hands gripping at her with impatience, roaming down her spine to the top of her peach-shaped ass, where they held back from going lower and shook.

She moaned around my tongue and found my skin beneath my shirt, gripping my hips with her warm fingers.

“Uh, hon. There’s a boy attached to your face.”

We both pulled away, Syd panting for breath before she turned to the voice who just spoke, my eyes slowly following after being transfixed on how wet and swollen Wild’s lips had gotten.

Perfect. Fuck, she had a perfect mouth.

Legs stood in front of us in a short yellow dress, arms crossed and eyes curious, going between Syd and me.

Knew it was her. Sort of recognized her from the night with the Corvette, but it was my best friend’s infatuation that had me knowing this was Legs.

“Oh, hey, Tori,” Sydney greeted her and grabbed her hand, keeping her other hand on my hip. She tugged her closer. “Um, so, this is Brian,” she said, then leaned in to add, “Brian Brian.”

Tori looked up at me. Her mouth fell open.

“No way. You’re in Dogwood?”

“He’s not just in Dogwood. He’s Jamie’s roommate,” Syd answered for me.

Tori’s mouth fell open farther.

“No freaking way!”

I smiled, slid my arm over Sydney’s shoulder again, and tugged her until she couldn’t get closer to me unless I picked her tiny ass up.

I considered doing it. Missed her legs wrapped around my waist.

Tori watched this happen and she did it looking happy, her mouth closing and then twisting into a grin and her eyes shining with approval.

She was so happy about it, she jerked forward, careful of my girl, threw her arms around my neck, and gave me a squeeze.

“You have so much potential, you have no idea,” she said quietly against my ear.

Syd giggled next to me.

“Uh, thanks,” I replied, reciprocated by patting her back with my free hand, and then giving her a nod when she released me and stepped back.

“So much,” she added, then frowned to say, “Your roommate? Not so much.”

“Oh, my God. Did you sleep with him?” Syd asked.

I wasn’t interested in sticking around to hear this conversation. Didn’t care who my friend fucked, who Syd’s friend fucked, or if they happened to fuck each other, but Sydney cared.

“God, no,” Tori said, appearing disgusted. “And that ship has sailed, will never turn around and look back in his direction even if his ass is in the water drowning, which is why I’ve been looking all over this stupid, not even the least bit impressive, house for you. I’m ready to go.” Her eyes sliced to mine. “No offense.”

“None taken,” I told her.

Tori looked back to Syd, asking, “You ready?”

My grip around her tightened.

Sydney felt it, inhaling sharply. Tori saw it happen and reacted her own way by lifting her eyebrows and assessing the two of us, not looking pissed but instead looking interested and pleased she got to witness what just happened.

“Or …are you not ready?” Tori corrected, eyes fixating on Syd.

I watched Syd look up at me, suck on her bottom lip, then turn her head back to Tori.

“I’m gonna stay here …for the night.” She added that last part quickly, looked back up into my eyes then lower, seeing my contented smile and giving one back, bright white teeth and dimples.

“Yeah, I kinda figured that,” Tori chuckled, then released Sydney’s hand only to pull her into a hug and doing it awkwardly, considering the permanent grip I had and my close proximity.

I could’ve let go, stepped back, and given Syd some space.

I didn’t.

No matter. It didn’t seem to faze the two of them and they hugged it out anyway, whispering words to each other then waving after they pulled away.

“See you tomorrow,” Tori told Syd, then looked at me to say, “Later, Potential.”

She said it wearing a smile that matched my girl’s, content and a little excited.

“Later,” I replied.

Tori spun around, blended in with the crowd heading out of the living room and toward the door, and filed out with the rest of them, a few lagging behind thinking I meant, Get the fuck out, but do it at your own pace.

Wasn’t what I meant, and the second they saw me glaring at their slow-moving asses getting off my couch, two guys and a chick, they picked it up and moved out, doing it swiftly.

We were alone. Finally.

Sydney turned in my arms, wrapped hers around my waist, rested her chin on my chest, and blinked up at me, sighing

“He must’ve done something really bad for Tori to pass on bedding him for good.” She squinted, thinking. “What do you think he could’ve done? I mean, he clearly wants to get with her. Why would he risk screwing up his chances? Unless he had no idea he was doing something stupid. I bet that’s it. Idiot,” she huffed, rolling her eyes. “Is he really as dumb as he is pretty? Because I’m convinced he’s getting by life solely on looks.”

“Babe.” I dropped my forehead against hers. Copyright 2016 - 2024