He didn’t trust anyone shooting and using his equipment without keeping an eye on things.

I parked by the door, cut the engine, and got out. I scanned the lot for Jamie.

He wasn’t here yet.


Cracking my knuckles, I debated waiting until he showed before I handled this. Then I pictured Syd.

Standing on the porch looking like she didn’t belong in that house with me.

Crying and giving me her pain.

Telling me she was leaving, and if I followed, it would be over …

I stalked to the door, threw it open, and went inside.

There was music playing off to the left. Heavy bass vibrated off the walls. I glanced at the gathering of people standing over by the scene they were shooting, scanned for Mike, and when I didn’t see him, slid my eyes to the office door at the other end of the room and made for that.

I didn’t knock.

Fuck courtesies.

Turning the knob, I went right in.

Mike looked up from his desk. He jerked straight in his chair, hit me with hate-filled eyes, and told the person he was listening to on the phone, “Gotta go. I’ll call you back,” then he disconnected the call, slammed the phone down on his desk, stood with hands bracing on the papers in front of him so he was leaning forward, heaved through his breaths, and bared his fucking teeth.

“You got balls stepping in here,” he growled, trying to sound threatening. “Get the fuck outta my building, you piece of shit.”

I stalked forward.

I wasn’t afraid of Mike, but he was damn sure afraid of me, which was good. I needed that fear. It was the only way I’d get cooperation from him.

I was six-two. He was barely taller than my girl.

I had muscle and could throw a punch and have that shit hurt. He had a gut that hung over his belt and got winded from standing.

I wasn’t here to negotiate. He was about to find that out.

Mike’s spineless body shot ramrod straight when I got opposite him with only the desk separating us, slammed my own hands down on top of the cluster of shit he had covering it, and leaned forward.

“Want you to take down all those videos you got of me,” I growled. “All of them. Want off that site and I want it happening today, right the fuck now, cocksucker.” I pointed at his chair, which had slid out when he stood. “So sit your fat ass down and get to fuckin’ work. I’m not leaving until it’s done.”

Mike stared at me like he wasn’t expecting those words to come out of my mouth.

Then he grabbed his stomach, threw his head back, and laughed like he’d just heard the funniest fucking thing ever.

“You fucking asshole.” He shook his head with a smile. “I own your shit, Dash! Own it all, motherfucker! I’m not taking down jack.” He leaned forward on jack and pointed at my face. “You’re outta luck, dickhead. I’m gonna make money off you until the day I fucking die.”

My pulse jumped.

Something coiled tight in my stomach.

“I didn’t sign anything saying what I shot belonged to you,” I grated out, reminding him of the contract we never had, feeling my hands curl into fists on top of the papers I was crushing. “I never signed a damn thing, meaning you own nothin’.”

“Not how it works,” he shot back, lowering his arm. “Whatever you did when you stepped inside this building belongs to me. We had a verbal agreement and I will hold you to that, motherfucker. Shot you fucking and jerking your load on my cameras, uploaded that shit to my site, and that’s where they’re fucking staying. And just so we’re clear”—he cocked his head—“you didn’t have me signing shit either, meaning you got nothing to force my hand.”

“I got plenty to force your hand,” I snarled, leaning closer and watching Mike move back. “Take that shit down.”

“Not fucking happening,” he replied coldly, then slumped back into his chair and held his arms out like he was waiting for me to crucify him. “What are you gonna do, Dash? Kill me? Huh? Let me ask you this.” He gripped the arms of his chair and slid up to the desk. “Why now? Why come here now asking me to remove your shit? You up and bailed weeks ago. Didn’t say nothing in that bullshit text you sent me about taking anything down, now all of a sudden …” He paused, his eyes flashed, and I watched a smirk twist across his mouth. “Oh, fuck me.” He leaned back and started rocking. “Fuck me. You gotta bitch, don’t you? That’s what this is about. Tell me I’m right, Dash. You got some hot pussy at home who doesn’t like that you stuck your dick in a bunch of whores.”

My nostrils flared.

“Shut your fuckin’ mouth,” I hissed, itching to hit him.

“Did you confess to it?” he asked, grinning. “Or did she see it? I bet she liked that one where you fucked Jayden in every hole she has. Fuck it.” He waved his hand. “Get your bitch in here. Maybe she wants to make a little cash on the side too. I like uptight pussy.”

Fuck waiting for Jamie.

Growling like a caged animal, I reached across the desk and grabbed Mike by his shirt, yanked his fat ass out of his chair, and dragged him over to where I was standing, throwing his body down onto the hard concrete floor next to the desk.

“Fuck!” he groaned, arching his back.

I heard the computer monitor take a crash landing and bust to pieces as I straddled his waist, bent low, and started pounding my fist into the side of his face.

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