Miss Brigham took Samantha on a narrow path out of the pasture and into the forest. They stopped at the edge of a beach overlooking churning gray water. Miss Brigham sat down on a rock, folding her hands in her lap. Samantha found a log nearby to sit on and tried to sit as calmly as Miss Brigham, but her right foot kept twitching on its own.

Among a cluster of boulders, she saw the prow of a wooden boat. "Whose boat is that?" she asked.

"That belongs to Mr. Pryde. He uses it on occasion for hunting trips to the mainland."

"I thought you said the mainland was dangerous."

"It's very dangerous indeed, but Mr. Pryde can take care of himself." Miss Brigham pointed to an empty section of beach about fifty feet away. "He found you over there. You were naked as a newborn and half-mad with fever. I didn't think you would live out the night."

Samantha stood and went over to stand on the spot, hoping it would spark her memory. Nothing happened. She looked out at the sea, seeing nothing but gray water all the way to the horizon. "That's where I came from," she said.

"Perhaps," Miss Brigham said. "But the mainland is a very large and terrible place."

"Can't you or Mr. Pryde take me over there?"

"I'm afraid not, dear. The reverend would never allow it."

"Why not? Doesn't he want me to find my parents?"

"Of course he does, dear. But Reverend Crane would never risk your life by sending you over there. Even with Mr. Pryde we couldn't guarantee your safety." Miss Brigham looked down at the ground and wrung her hands. "Samantha, I know how much you want to find your family, but you must be patient. You must not think of disobeying Reverend Crane. He deals harshly with those who challenge his authority. If you try to escape, Mr. Pryde will not rest until he's brought you back for punishment."

"How do you know?"

"I committed a terrible sin once. I felt so awful I took that very boat over to the mainland so I could atone for what I did. Mr. Pryde found me and brought me back."

"What did the reverend do to you?"

Miss Brigham put a hand to her face to stem the tears that had begun to flow. "He took from me what was most precious," she said. "Please, dear, promise you won't try to leave until the reverend has found your family."

"I promise," Samantha said. She sat with Miss Brigham to watch the tide go out; they said nothing more to each other. As Samantha stared at the gray water, she promised herself she would not attempt to escape until she'd given the reverend enough time to find her parents. She owed Miss Brigham that.

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