“I know,” Sofia sighed. “But just once I wish I could be like any other girl and hang out with guys, without all of them turning into cavemen.”

Sarah chuckled. “They’re just not used to it, they still see you as their little Sofi. They’ll get used to it eventually.”

Sofia rolled her eyes and wiped her face. Sarah handed her a tissue. Sofia blew her nose and sat up. “You know what the stupidest thing is?”


“They have nothing to worry about anyway.”

Sarah wasn’t so sure about that. She’d seen the way the boy looked at Sofia. “What do you mean?”

“I’m saving myself for one guy, and I’m beginning to think he knows it.”

Sarah’s eyes opened wide. “Really? Who?”

Sofia held the tissue to her nose, looking at Sarah apprehensively. She looked out the window to make sure the guys were far enough to not hear. “You promise you won’t tell Angel?”

Sarah nodded but gulped, not sure she wanted to know anymore. Sofia shut her eyes tight then stared at Sarah again. She whispered something but Sarah didn’t catch it the first time. Sarah peaked out the window to make sure they were still far enough, she saw Eric glance their way then back at Angel. She leaned closer to Sofia.

“What?” Sarah whispered.


Sarah stared at her speechless. They both glanced out the window. Angel and Eric were on their way back toward the car. “Please don’t say anything.” Sofia pleaded.

“I won’t.”

What made her think Eric knew she was saving herself for him? Sarah wanted to ask a lot of things but the guys were too close. It’d have to wait until the next time they got a moment alone.

They went to the beach and made a bonfire. Sarah watched and observed the whole night, careful that Angel didn’t catch on. She couldn’t believe she’d never noticed before. Well, she had, but she’d never made anything out of it. It’d always seemed so innocent. It still did, only after what Sofia had said tonight, some things seemed a little questionable.

Eric lingered around Sofia the whole night. Sitting next to her, even went for a walk just the two of them, and Angel hadn’t thought anything of it. She wouldn’t have, either, before tonight. She always thought Eric was just being a sweetheart. Eric knew Angel was busy with Sarah, so he was just keeping an eye on Sofia, right?

Sarah thought about how it was always Eric who offered to give her rides to and from the restaurant. And how many times she’d spoken to Angel on the phone and he’d mentioned that Eric was there hanging out, early in the morning, or late in the evening, but always when Sofia was home. Still she thought of how Eric seemed so loyal to Angel and his brothers. She just couldn’t picture him actually doing anything with Sofia.

Between watching Sofia, and Eric, and being disgusted with Valerie’s outrageous behavior, Sarah had been pretty quiet the whole night. She watched Valerie who’d had way too much to drink, let Romero peck her softly on the lips. She’d been flirting with him since they got there.

“What’s wrong?” Angel asked.

Sarah's eyes met his, and she shook her head. But he knew better. “You haven’t said much tonight. Something bothering you?”

Sarah sighed and motioned toward Valerie and Romero. Angel glanced up at them. Romero was sitting on an ice chest and Valerie was on his lap, giggling. He turned back to Sarah and shrugged.

Angel and his brothers obviously didn’t talk too much about their romantic affairs. Angel knew they’d gone out, but didn’t realize Valerie had finally gotten what she wanted. Just this past Wednesday she’d “bedded” Alex Moreno. And now here she was, shamelessly carrying on with Romero.

Sarah frowned. “What’s Alex gonna say?”

“Sarah, babe, I hope you don’t think Alex is really into Valerie. I mean, she’s cool and everything, but it really doesn’t matter with Alex. He’s never been into the relationship thing.” He chuckled. “I’m sure he’s making full use of his hotel room tonight.”

He must’ve seen the disgusted look on Sarah’s face because his smile immediately dissolved. “Of course, I think it’s appalling.”

Sarah rolled her eyes. “I know he’s not into the relationship thing, but you don’t think he’s gonna be upset at all, that she’s doing this with one of his friends?”

“Nah.” Angel shook his head. “Alex isn’t like that. He could care less. I mean, don’t tell Valerie that. I don’t want to hurt her feelings or anything. But I’m sure Alex had his fun, and is already on to the next. That’s just the way he is.”

Sarah stared at him. “That’s him, Sarah. Not me.”

“That’s not what I was thinking. I’m just hoping you’re right. I’d hate for his feelings to be hurt.”

“Trust me, Sarah.” Angel smiled. “I know my brother, he’s gonna be just fine with it.”

But Sarah remembered hearing him on the phone with Valerie, and how he called back just to ask what her plans had been that Wednesday. Something told her Angel might be wrong about this.


Saturday mornings were always busy at the restaurant. Angel’s parents wouldn’t be back until that evening so Sarah offered to come in and help. Angel picked her up an hour before they opened. Sarah smiled when she saw Sofia in the car also. She was anxious to speak with her alone.

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