He’d packed sodas in Sarah’s ice chest from the night before and they stopped at a deli for sandwiches. They drove to Mount Soledad, the local state park. It had lots of cycling and hiking trails, but is known for its massive, man made caves. It overlooked the ocean and had the most spectacular views. He was sure Sarah would love it.

Angel had been there many times with his brothers and the guys. He knew the place pretty well. He’d bring her back for cycling later. But today he had a much calmer visit planned.

Sarah looked out the window admiring the amazing views. “My God this place is better than the cliff last night. I didn’t think that was possible.”

She was right; no matter how many times he came up here it was always as unbelievable as the first time. He took in the view himself, then looked at Sarah. His body could feel the moment getting closer, the moment he would have her in his arms again. He held her hand the entire ride and he squeezed it gently.

He picked one of the more private picnic areas. The park wasn’t crowded at all they pretty much had the area to themselves, except for the occasional cyclist riding by. Angel pulled the ice chest and a blanket out of the trunk of his car and took her by the hand. Sarah headed for the picnic table under a big wooden canopy. But Angel shook his head pulled her toward a grassy area under a tree.

“Over here,” he grinned.

Sarah’s eyes widened a bit, but she smiled and followed behind him. They laid out the blanket and put down the ice chest. No sooner than they sat down was Angel kissing her. At first softly and sweetly, then he pulled her back gently, laying her down on the blanket and he propping himself up on his elbow next to her. He held her head on his hand, while his other roamed her body over her clothes.

His hand ran over her stomach and then down her outer thigh. He was completely aroused and he knew she felt it.

He bit her lower lip softly then worked his way down her chin. She tasted so damn good. He moved her head up gently and dove into her neck, kissing, suckling, biting softly.

“Angel,” she whispered, hoarsely.

He groaned as he continued to kiss and suckle her neck, wishing now they were somewhere more private.

“Angel.” He could feel how hard she was breathing.

He sucked her neck one last time, then glanced at it as he pulled away smiling, satisfied when he saw a small but noticeable dark pink spot just below her ear.

He looked at her and couldn’t help kissing her one last time. When he was finally able to pull himself away from her, he laid there on his elbow staring at her wet pink lips and played with her hand. He was about to tell her how perfect it felt having her there next to him, when she stunned him with an unexpected admission.

“I’m a virgin.”

Angel stared at her blankly for a second, not sure how to respond. The idea of being her first rattled every nerve in his body, and his muscles tensed. When he didn’t respond immediately, Sarah sat up and pulled away from him.

“Wait, hold on...” He reached for her.

She pulled her hand away from his reach. “I’m only telling you, so you won’t think I’m a tease, if things don’t go as far as you’re expecting them.”

He sat up, quickly pulling himself next to her again. But before he could respond she added, “I’m just not ready for anything like that, especially with everything that’s going on right now.”

Damn it, he felt like a pushy prick, no better than Jesse. “That’s fine Sarah.” He caressed her cheek. “I’m sorry I came on so strong, I’m not usually like this. I don’t know what it is but I can barely control myself around you.”

She looked somewhat embarrassed and bit her bottom lip. “I feel the same way around you.”

He put his arm around her and kissed her head. With her baby soft hair against his face, and her alluring scent, he was afraid of getting carried away again. He pulled away, quickly looking at his watch, it was almost noon. “You hungry?”

“Starving, actually, I skipped breakfast.”

Angel frowned, “You should’ve said something.” He pulled the ice chest in front of him.

“You didn’t give me a chance,” she giggled.

He loved seeing her smile. “Ha, ha,” The sarcasm prompted her to laugh even more.

They sat yoga style, eating quietly for a few minutes. Though he didn’t try too hard, he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. He even enjoyed the way she ate, tearing the pieces of sandwich with her hands rather then biting right into it. She ate slow and gracefully. She was only half done with her sandwich, when he shoved the last piece of his in his mouth. Angel’s phone rang and he padded his pockets, then realized he’d left it in the car.

“I better get that. It might be my mom.” He jumped to his feet and took off toward his car.


Sarah admired him from behind as he sprinted to his car. Once there, he leaned in the window and reached for his phone. She placed her sandwich down on its wrapping and slapped her hand on her forehead, leaving it there for a second. She shook her head. I’m a virgin. Good God, it’s only their first date, they’re at a park, in broad daylight. Did she really think he was gonna jump her bones? Was there no end to her idiocy?

Angel walked back, still on the phone. He hung up before he got close enough for her to hear him. He sat down next to her again and picked up his sandwich.

“Sorry about that,” He sat down across from her again. “I thought it might be my mom. Sometimes it gets really busy at the restaurant on the weekend and they need me to come in and help out, even when I’m not scheduled to.”

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