Chapter Ten


THIS girl is a mess. A total mess. Oh, everything about her on the outside is the complete deal. She’s just the right height. Not too tall, but tall enough to make holding her next to my six-foot-two frame feel like she belongs to me. Her hair is the most perfect shade of blonde mixed with darker brown strands, and it falls down her back and flutters against her bare shoulders in a way that makes me wonder what it would feel like dragging across my chest as she sits astride me during sex. Her eyes are a pale blue mixed with flecks of green. It’s dark now, so I can’t see them well. But they were the first thing I noticed when she looked at me out on the lazy river today. The sun made them sparkle with mischief and passion.

But this girl, confronted with my desire to have her, is falling to pieces right before my eyes. Her past is suspicious and parts of it are missing. And her sudden self-loathing and low self-worth is at odds to the woman portrayed in the background check. I know she’s hiding something, but right now she still thinks her secrets are safe. So I’ll play along to get what I want.

“I asked you a question, Grace. Will you agree to my terms?”

Her eyes are darting around, looking at anything but me. She begins with a shake of her head, her answer, a no for sure, on the tip of her tongue.

I stop her before she can start and take my hand to her throat, wrapping it around the smooth skin of her neck in such a way that I can feel her pulse. “Do you like to be choked during sex, Grace?”

“What?” she gasps.

“Choked,” I say as I palm her a little more forcefully. She swallows against my hand and I almost come right there. Her fear is a turn-on, I won’t deny it.

“No,” she says, her words vibrating against my skin. I pull back, but she places her hand on mine and keeps it pressed against her, the throbbing of her heartbeat even more pronounced now. “I don’t want to be choked. But…” She looks up at me and swallows again. My c**k grows harder in response as I wait for her words. “But I like the thought of being choked.”

I relax and let out a sigh. Then a chuckle. “You kinky bitch.” I lean down and kiss her again, my tongue pushing against hers as my hand remains against her windpipe. “I can do that, Grace. I won’t hurt you. You will trust me and always know that I won’t hurt you. But if you like to be scared, I can do that. Is that what you like?”

“No, not scared. I’m not—”

Her words stop abruptly because my hand slips between her legs and my fingers pry her underwear away from her pu**y and seek out her folds. She is so wet. “That’s my answer right there, baby. I will always be able to tell if you’re enjoying the way I arouse you with my fingers. You like this, don’t you? You’re dirty, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” she squeaks out as my fingers continue to play with her, rubbing against her opening, then sweeping back to her ass.

“Would you like my c**k in your ass, Grace?”

“I don’t know.”

“Have you ever had anal sex?’


Oh, f**k me. “I will be your first then. If you agree.” My finger leaves the hard bud of her ass and sweeps forward to touch her clit. She moans as I palm her whole pu**y. “Won’t I, Grace? You will let me f**k you in the ass? Me and no one else?”

She moans and I pull her hair with my other hand, yanking her neck back so she has to look at me. “Do you like me to pull your hair?”

“Yes, but not too hard.” She pushes her hips against my thigh, grinding her pu**y, looking for release.

I turn her around and grip her throat again, forcing her body against mine. “Hmmm, I don’t think so, Grace. I get to decide how hard to pull your hair. I get to decide how hard to press against your throat. I get to decide when I take your ass and how. That’s the whole idea of submission. Right now I’m asking you yes or no to these things in general, not how you want them done to you. Do you understand?”

Her body has gone stiff in my embrace and so yes, she does understand. But she’s not happy about what I just said.

“Grace, I asked you a question. If you’re my submissive you will answer with a yes or no, then add Master at the end of that. Do you understand?”

Her silence is a battle I have no part of. This is the test. Either she says yes and we move on to more limits, or she says no and I end the night with one of the security agents escorting her back to her bungalow. Is my movie-star status enough to make her go against her instincts? Is she impressed with me? Does she want me? Or just the idea of me? Most women, once they get to know me, very much enjoy the sex but hate the actual man who gives it to them. I expect no different from Grace. Eventually. But it will take her some time to get tired of me, and that’s what I’m counting on. A few erotic hours with this girl doing exactly what I tell her to do is exactly what I need.

“Yes, Master,” she finally replies.

I chuckle and don’t even try to hide it. “As if that was ever a question.”

“It was a question, Asher,” she snarls. “Make no mistake, I hand you control under the assumption that I can revoke it at any time.”

“Of course,” I reply, leaning into her neck so I can breathe softly into her ear. “Of course,” I whisper. “You are in control of yourself at all times, Grace. But just know… you will never, ever be in control of me.” She swallows against my hand again and my c**k grows, pushing against the fabric of my suit pants and right up against the crack of her ass. I want to f**k her in the ass so bad I almost can’t control myself and her thin dress is not enough of a barrier to calm me down. I growl in her ear. “Moving on. Do you like to be gagged, Grace?” Copyright 2016 - 2024