"Your father needed someone to care for you, since your mother died, and so he went to Kingston and brought Miss Hawthorn back with him to be your nanny."

"When did she become the housekeeper?"

"I am sure it was when you were older and no longer needed a nanny."

"I suppose."

"Is that the story you were told?"

"Yes." Hayley's mind seemed distracted for a moment. "You knew my mother, is that right?"

"Well, all I knew of her was that she was Mrs.

Sommers' sister. As soon as your mother and father married, Mrs. Sommers forbid anyone in her household to speak with either of them. "

Hayley felt weak but tried to hide the shock coursing through her. "I really have to go now, but I would really like for us to talk again sometime." She forced a smile as she stood.

"With her father's insistence that she marry Cedric, she was quite enraged when he refused and married your mother instead. Caroline and her sister didn't talk for years and I suppose after Caroline died she regretted the strained relationship with your father." Mrs. Stephen's squinted. "How is your relationship with your aunt?"

Hayley nodded, "Things are fine. Thank you for your time. I appreciate it very much." Hayley extended her hand again and smiled as Mrs. Stephens embraced it with both of her hands.

The ride back home was silent. Hayley wished she had not come, and Samuel being confused about the change in disposition, wished he had a word that would bring a smile to her face.

_ _

"You haven't said a word, since you came home, Hayley. Is there something wrong?" Maddie asked.

"I'm just tired." She leaned back against the headboard of her bed.

"You haven't eaten all day. I can bring you something to eat."

"No thank you. I'm not hungry right now."

"You need to keep up your strength, or you'll become ill."

"If I do, I will stay away from you."

"I'm not worried about myself. It's you that I am concerned about."

"You need not be troubled. I can take care of myself."

"It is my job to take care of you."

"I have outgrown my need for a nanny."

"Of course, you have. You should not think it strange that I would care for you. You are like a daughter to me."

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