Curtis looked puzzled for a moment. "I knew I recognized your name, but I didn't think that you may be related."

"Then you do know my father?"

"I know Mr. Lawrence-" Curtis paused. "Or I should say I know of him."

"What do you know?"

"I know that he is my father's employer. I have not gotten the chance to know him on a more personal basis." Curtis walked around the desk and sat against the edge. "What does this have to do with trusting me?"

"All I meant was that I need more time to get to know you… before..."

"Before you can trust me?"

Hayley did not speak.

"Miss Lawrence, you will have to decide now whether or not you can trust me before we can move on. I am very busy with school and work, and I have little time for playing games."

"I do not mean to be difficult. Perhaps I should not have come here." Hayley rose from the chair. "I do have your card, and I will write if I decide to confide in you."

Curtis put his hand on Hayley's arm as she turned away. "Whatever you tell me within these walls or on paper, is kept in strict confidence. I will not breach your trust, nor will Mr. Hodges."

She pulled out a handkerchief from her skirt and twisted it in her hands. "Curtis, my mother died when I was born and my father has been very protective of me. I have always felt it is because he's afraid to lose me.

Now, I am gaining more freedom-seeing and hearing things that do not coincide with what I have always been told. If your father finds out who I am, he will inform my father and then..."

"You do not need to worry about that."

"I wish I could be sure."

"I know how to be careful. Please feel free to be open with me."

"There is a man that works for my father at the shipyard. His name is Thor. I do not know his surname."

Curtis reached for a pen and wrote down both names.

"What does this Thor do at the shipyard?"

"I don't know."

"Why do you want to know about him?"

"I want to know what his relation is to Maddie. She is my father's housekeeper."

Curtis looked up from his notes. "She is like family to us." Copyright 2016 - 2024