"Are you Mr.…?" Hayley struggled to remember his name.

"I'm Mr. Hodges. May I help you?"

"Yes, Mr. Hodges… I have come to the right place."

"You do not need to knock on the door, just open it and come in."

"I could never intrude. You do not know me."

The man gave an expression of confusion and motioned for her to come in.

"I am not aware of the customs in Kingston. I am only visiting."

Mr. Hodges scratched his head as he walked to his desk. "What can I help you with miss?"

Mr. Hodges pointed to the chair in front of his desk and motioned for Hayley to sit down.

"I came to speak to Mr. Singleton." Hayley looked around the room, as though she expected to see him. "Is he here?"

"Actually, he is working on a case. I can tell him that you stopped by. If you would like to leave your address, he can stop by to see you when he is available."

"I would be happy to sit here and wait…if you do not mind."

"It may be quite a while before he comes in."

"I spotted a bench outside. I can wait there."

"Do as you wish." Mr. Hodges picked up a cigar and lit it.

As Hayley turned to walk to the door, she was startled by the sudden presence of a man walking in. She jumped in surprise almost letting out a scream.

She turned her head slightly toward Mr. Hodges as she spoke. "I am still very fond of knocking."

The strange man tipped his hat and smiled at her as she walked by. After walking through the door, she heard the man ask for Curtis. Mr. Hodges answered that he was not there. Hayley grabbed the door, closing it behind her, she left it open a crack.

"I will be meeting with Mr. Lawrence today for a few hours this afternoon. Ask Curtis to meet me at the shipyard around five for his ride home. If he doesn't show up there, I will pick him up here as soon as I can."

As Hayley heard the man's footsteps coming toward her, she walked toward the bench sitting by the door.

After hearing the door close, Hayley turned around and watched the man climb into his carriage. Spotting Hayley, he tipped his hat, smiled and rode away.

_ _

One hour later: Hayley eyes were growing heavy from boredom. As she yawned, she heard a sound of a whistle and then realized it was a tune, coming from someone walking down the street toward her. Turning toward the sound, she saw a familiar face. It was Curtis's.

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