Ty pushed at the robe on Zane"s shoulders. The heavy material slid and caught on Zane"s elbows until he straightened his arms to let it fall to the floor, leaving him nude and aroused. Ty unfastened his jeans and pushed them down. As soon as they were undressed, Ty dug his fingers into Zane"s hips and shoved him toward the bed.

Zane stumbled the two steps, and his knees hit the side of the round mattress, throwing him off balance enough that he had to catch himself with both hands to avoid a face-plant in the duvet. Ty took advantage of the precarious position by placing a hand in the center of Zane"s back and pushing slightly as he stepped up behind him. His other hand glided over Zane"s skin, up the side of his ribs and back down hard muscles.

Zane could feel the head of Ty"s bare c**k rubbing against him.

He pushed back against Ty"s thighs, moving his ass to rub close as he arched and practically purred under Ty"s hands. Goddamn, it had been too long since he"d been f**ked, and now he needed it.

Ty gasped, following the sound with a low groan and a slow thrust of his hips against Zane. “You want it like this?” he asked roughly.

“Yes!” Zane bit out.

Ty ran his hands across the skin of Zane"s back again, his fingers tracing the line of the tattoo. “Stay,” he ordered in a low voice before moving away to the bedside table.

Zane obeyed, mostly. He reached out and caught Ty"s arm. “Just the lube,” he said hoarsely. They"d already sort of talked about it. They were both tested with such regularity there was no question as to safety.

And he wanted to have Ty inside him with nothing between them.

Ty looked back at him. “You sure?” he asked seriously.

Zane met his eyes and nodded. “Just you.”

The sound Ty made in response was more of a growl than anything else. He whirled and began rummaging through the drawer where they had stowed their supplies. While listening to the bottle snap open, Zane pawed at the duvet and pulled it down until it crumpled in a pile against his chest. “Ty,” he said urgently, leaning his weight on one hand so he could stroke himself.

“God!” Ty huffed incredulously. He moved back over in one long stride. “Be patient!” he ordered in exasperation as he reached around Zane and stilled his hand, kissing his back as he bent over him. His c**k nudged at Zane as he moved.

Zane growled low in his throat but let go of himself as he shuddered under Ty"s lips.

“Patience,” Ty reminded as he shoved the duvet away and pressed Zane fully onto the mattress and down into the sheets.

Zane let Ty move him around, wanting nothing more right now than to be under him. To have Ty want him. To have Ty show him how much he wanted him. Zane"s breaths broke as his knees spread, his c**k brushing the sheets. Ty pushed him to his chest as he bit at Zane"s shoulder and slid one finger into him. Breath catching, Zane stilled as his chest rubbed the soft sheets and Ty seemed to attack him from two sides at once. He gasped at the tiny bite and shifted back against Ty"s finger, making a deeply needy noise. Ty murmured nonsense into his ear and then scraped his teeth over the skin of his shoulder again as he twisted the finger inside him. He pushed at him from behind, using his whole body, and forced Zane"s hips to thrust down against the mattress.

Crying out sharply, Zane dug in, rutting his hips against the sheets to stimulate his hardened cock. If he had to hump the mattress in order to get Ty to f**k him, he"d gladly do it.

Ty added another slick finger impatiently and twisted them wickedly.

“Jesus! Ty!” Zane hissed as his ass clenched around Ty"s long digits. Ty hummed in response and dug the fingers of his free hand into Zane"s hip. He pushed against him demandingly and bent over him to bite into the tender skin under Zane"s shoulder blade. Ty knew what kind of response he"d get. Zane yelled again and drove his hips back and then down against the bed. Ty pressed against him and murmured to him again, asking him if he was ready.

“Fuck, yes! Please!” Zane answered mournfully, trying to get more friction against his cock, but the angle was wrong. “Please, baby,”

he begged hoarsely.

Ty hastily removed his fingers, fumbled with the small bottle next to Zane"s knee, and then liberally applied the lubricant to himself. His hand slid over Zane"s lower back appreciatively, and the slow slide just made Zane quiver as he felt fingers stroking over the skin. He breathed Ty"s name again, trying to hold as still as possible as he gripped the sheets. Ty seemed to be holding his breath as he pressed against Zane.

As he felt Ty brush against him, Zane wondered if Ty had ever done this without a condom—he hadn"t himself—but Ty"s c**k pushed into him before he could think about it more.

Ty gave a wanton groan as he rocked slowly in. Zane tried to relax as Ty pushed, but the desire gripping him made him tense up all over. He bit his lip against a gasp and tried to wiggle a little to get Ty to move.

“Stop moving or I"m just gonna come all over your ass right here,” Ty growled to him as he dragged his fingers down Zane"s back.

Zane hung his head and tried to take in even breaths as his body adjusted to let Ty slide in. Then he moaned aloud and pushed back his hips in encouragement.

“That"s it,” Ty groaned with difficulty. He reached around Zane and stroked him slowly, his hand practically trapped between Zane"s body and the bed. He pushed in further, moaning again as he did so, and he laid himself out on top of Zane and flexed his hips.

Zane cried out wordlessly before burying his face against the sheets. Ty"s weight on him changed the whole experience, and he couldn"t think at all now. He could only react. “Please,” he whispered over and over as Ty moved slowly inside him. He could feel the rock of Ty"s hips against his ass, feel the push of his bare c**k deeper and deeper, feel his breaths on the back of his neck. Just knowing that Ty would be literally emptying himself inside him made Zane"s body tingle—he was so very aware of it.

Ty groaned, a plaintive moan as he began to rock his hips rhythmically, pulling almost all the way out and then sliding back in slowly. He gripped Zane"s hip beneath him and trapped Zane under him, and he pressed his open mouth against the back of Zane"s shoulder and whispered his name. Moaning constantly, Zane tensed again as the climax started to threaten, and his muscles clamped around Ty as he began to twitch, trying to shift and get just a little more stimulation on his cock.

Ty raised his hips and pulled at Zane, lifting him just enough that with each thrust Zane was pushed into his hand. “Come on, Zane,” he coaxed in a low voice. “I promise I"ll keep f**king you after you come.”

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