“Mmm, that feels so good,” she moaned, making him wish that he knew what he was doing, because he would stop doing it immediately for the sake of his sanity.

“Just like…oh, yeah, just like that,” she continued to moan, shifting a bit beneath his touch and inadvertently making his hand brush against the top of one beautiful cheek.

“Oh, God,” he whispered, grinding his teeth together as his breath caught in his chest.

He’d barely brushed his hand against her ass and here he was, kneeling on the bed beside her, panting as though she’d just licked his cock and moaned like she fucking loved it. He was so fucking pathetic.

“Is everything okay?” she asked, sounding sleepy.

“Yes,” he said soothingly, refusing to do anything that would break through this sleepy haze that was going to save him.

“Oh, oh! Right there!” she suddenly moaned, shifting beneath his hands. “Oh, that feels so good. Yeah, just like that, baby.”

His eyes narrowed suspiciously on the little brat that had spent the last five years tormenting him for her own fucking enjoyment.

“Oh, God! Don’t stop now!” she yelled dramatically, giggling like a fool as he decided that yes, yes she did have a death wish. “That’s it! That’s the spot!”

Sighing, he looked from her to the angry erection between his legs and thought about all those times that she’d fucked with his head simply because she could and decided that she definitely had this coming.


“I was kidding!” she yelled, trying to stop giggling, but she just couldn’t stop.

The look on his face had been-

“Oh my, God!” she screamed as Lucifer, the meanest bastard alive, brought her into his massive shower and stuck her beneath what felt like a hundred jets of ice cold water stabbing into her.

“Is something wrong?” the bastard asked, all innocence as he moved her out of the cold water and then just as quickly, put her back in.

“Lucifer!” she managed to yell before she was hit in the face with a particularly cold spray of water.

“Did you want to say something?”


More cold water hit her, this time on her ass!


“You’ll regret doing-argh!” she ended her promise of violence on a high-pitched scream as he somehow managed to get her ass and face at the same time.

“Are you sure that there isn’t something that you wanted to say?” he asked, chuckling when she gasped as cold water continued to assault her body.

“I hate you!” she snapped when he stepped away from the spray of ice-cold water.

“Are you sure?” he asked, innocently.


“That’s really too bad,” he murmured as the large bastard once again stepped back into the cold water and managed to rip a hysterical scream out of her.


“Was that ‘I’m sorry, Lucifer, for tormenting you for shits and giggles’?” he asked, sounding like he was really enjoying himself, which he probably was.

Not that she could blame him after everything that she’d done to him over the years. Still…

“Don’t make me hurt you!” she snapped, deciding that they’d reached the point of no return.

She was going to have to kick his ass.

“You’re going to kick my ass, huh?” he guessed as he paused just right outside the stream of ice cold water.

“Yes!” she hissed, swearing on everything that she owned that if he so much as looked at that water that she was going to-

Scream her head off as he stepped back under the ice-cold spray.

“I’m still waiting to hear those special words,” he said tauntingly, and she couldn’t help but respect the man for his commitment to screw her over.

He had learned from the best after all.

“Come on, Rebecca. Don’t you have something to say to me?” the bastard asked, continuing to taunt her as he turned around so that she received the majority of the cold water on her back and ass.

When the water hit her in a particularly sensitive area, she screamed the one thing that she hoped would save her, “Christopher!” before she found herself back on her feet, pushed up against the wall and having her mouth devoured by the sexiest man that she’d ever met.


“Oh, God!” Rebecca gasped against his mouth as he continued to slowly trace her wet slit with his fingertips.

“You like that?” he asked, kissing her chin as he watched her lick her lips in pleasure.

“Mmmhmm,” she moaned with a nod as she spread her legs further apart to give him better access.

“Is this okay, baby? Or do you want to lie down?” he asked, not sure that he would be able to survive if she made him stop even if it was only for a minute.

“This is fine, more than fine,” she swore as she wrapped one arm around his shoulders to steady herself as she leaned back against the warm shower tiles, careful not to press her lower back against the wall.

“Are you sure?” he asked, shifting her slightly to the side so that she was closer to the hot water mist.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she promised him, but he felt the way that her body tensed up when he shifted her.

“No,” he said, pausing just long enough to brush his lips against hers, “you’re not.”

Before she could argue, he carefully swept her up into his arms and carried her out of the bathroom. He loved the way that she wrapped her arms around him, but he loved the way that she kissed him even more.

He carried her back to his bed, laid her down and followed her. He was careful to keep his weight off her as he leaned down so that he could continue to kiss her. God, she felt so fucking good, he thought as he reached up and pushed several wet strands of her hair out her face.

“I know your secret,” she said, smiling as she ran her fingers through his hair.

“Yeah, and what’s that?” he asked, pulling back far enough so that he could watch as he run his fingers down her chin, her neck and between her large breasts, fascinated by the trail of goose bumps left behind.

“You like it when I call you Christopher,” she said, sounding smug as she continued to run her fingers through his hair.

“Yes,” he said, smiling as he leaned back down and kissed her, “I do.”

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