Tara narrows her eyes at me. “Okay but I've got my eye on you. You already look dead on your feet. I’m going to tell Gloria if you don't behave.”

That makes me smile. My mom has been there since we started the business and she even worked shifts for us in the beginning. Once the business started to pick up, I made her cut her hours to only part-time. It’s been the greatest gift in my life to be able to help my mother, to take some of the weight off her shoulders. She’s always worked double-shifts to take care of us and for the first time in her life, she’s able to take it easy. Go out with friends and not have to stress over bills. I’ll do anything to keep it that way.

“Gloria is having a ball dating some gentleman she met in line at the grocery store.”

Tara laughs. “Only your mom would find a date while running errands. She can make sweatpants the new sexy.”

“I know. I wish I’d inherited that from her.”

“Uh, you did Miss Double Ds. Duh,” Tara makes a face. “You inherited her body and her work ethic. But that doesn’t mean she’d want you to run yourself into the ground.”

“I’ll be fine. I can handle it.” I stress the last word, hoping Tara gets the hint.

She knows that I’ve been going through some things lately but hopefully she won’t say anything in front of Daphne. I don’t need them both worrying about me. Working more hours won’t hurt me, if anything it’ll help me because I’ll have less time to think. That’s what I need the most right now, oblivion from thinking about the mess I’ve made of my life with my crappy choices.

I pick up a pen and sign the bottom of the contract with a flourish. Daphne signs next and then hands the pen to Tara. She stares at me for a long moment, then finally sighs.

"I guess we have to take a chance."

"It'll be fine, Tara. Don't worry so much."

“I don’t know what you two are yapping on about. We should be celebrating. This is a sign. Things are finally looking up for us girls. Woo hoo!” Daphne does a little booty dance next to the desk and we all burst into laughter.

Their laughter and silliness is exactly what I need when my phone in my pocket suddenly feels as heavy as a brick. I should have never told Tara that Andrew was calling again, trying to establish contact. It was a point of shame that I’d never pressed charges against him but all I want to do is forget that time in my life. Now she’s worried about me and she doesn’t need to be. I’m not that person anymore.

I finally have it together and I won’t let anything take this away from me.

*   *   *   *   *

The next day I arrive at the address listed on the contract and stand outside just staring up at the imposing building. On the outskirts of downtown Norfolk, it’s obviously been recently renovated.

My fingers curl around the tight band of my pencil skirt. Usually I'm wearing the same basic uniform as the rest of the maids, casual clothing covered by a green and yellow Maid-4-U apron that Daphne designed for us last year. But today, I'm here to bring the signed contract to the client and see the area we'll be working in. I have to look professional. Put together.

I swallow against a wave of nerves and run my hands over my hair again. The unruly red curls tend to have a mind of their own so I’ve pulled them back into a low bun. I can’t screw up this job. This could be the start of a whole new wave of luck for our business. Daphne is the optimist, but secretly I’m starting to agree with her that this new deal is a sign. 

Our luck is finally changing.

After my moment of self-reflection, I walk into the lobby. It’s not as impressive as I imagined it would be. Considering the amount of money we’ve been offered to clean this place, I was expecting solid gold floors and diamond encrusted door handles. But it’s just a plain entryway painted builder white.

There’s a man behind the counter. I nod at him and then take a seat on one of the couches in the waiting area. Mr. Stevens is supposed to meet me here and take me up so I can see the property and meet the owner. After about ten minutes, I pull out my cell phone. Where is he?

What is it with rich people? They always think everyone else should be on their timetable. It makes me think about Andrew. He’d done this type of thing often. He would rush me along but consistently show up late or not at all when I needed him. The only time he’d really shown emotion was anytime someone mentioned my relationship with Finn.

I close my eyes.

Even now years later just the thought of him is enough to bring tears to my eyes. My sweet, Finn. His family lived in the same trailer park and we’d shared the experience of being the trash from the wrong side of the tracks at our school. He’d been my first kiss, my first love. My first everything. Then after school he’d gone off to the army and things had never been the same.

I’m suddenly pulled from my thoughts by the sound of my name. The man behind the front desk is standing now, peering at me with interest. “Miss Blake?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

“Mr. Stevens just called. He told me to let you up immediately.” He stands and walks to the elevator. I follow him on and then watch as he inserts a key from the massive ring in his hand. He twists it and then punches the button for the twelfth floor. I watch in surprise as he steps back out. The doors close behind me and the elevator hurtles upward.

The nerves I felt downstairs come back full force when the doors open with a ding. I step out of the elevator and into a hallway. There are doors at the end of the hallway in both directions. I let out a little sigh. It all seems a little rude, to summon me up here but not have anyone waiting to show me where to go.

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