“Do that again,” he muttered against her neck.

Like he had to ask twice, because damn, that felt good.

Jim sat up and wiggled out of his shirt, tossing it behind him, then unbuttoned his jeans. She’d never thought about the difference between button-fly and zippered pants. She was finding she liked her mate in button-fly, especially now. “You went commando.”

“You like that?”

She cupped him, stroking his cock. “Yup.”

“Nice to know.” The tip leaked pre-come as he shuddered in her hands. Chloe firmed her grip, using her stronger right hand. He bucked his hips, thrusting into her hand with a groan. “God, baby, so nice.”

She licked her lips, the desire to taste him nearly overwhelming her. She sat up and took him into her mouth.

He was salty, his skin warm, his scent so strong she was ready to hump the pillow for relief. Instead, she sucked him in, using her tongue to stroke the long vein on the underside of his cock. His moans urged her on, his touch gentle as he cupped the back of her head. His fingers tangled in her short hair, holding her steady as she sucked him down.

When his fingers began to tighten and his cock to twitch she eased back, looking up at him questioningly. She was willing to have him come in her mouth if that was what he wanted, but she’d want something in return.

He nodded desperately. “Please.”

How could Chloe turn that down? Jim was begging her, his chest heaving, his cock leaking on her tongue, but if she pulled off all the way she knew he’d let go.

So she gave him what he asked for, concentrating on the head of his cock. He hissed, his cock pulsing as he spilled into her. His flavor exploded inside her and she swallowed, taking his essence inside her.

When he was done he gently eased her onto her back, kissing her so sweetly, so gratefully, she wasn’t surprised when some of the urgency for her own pleasure faded. “Is there anything I can do for you, Miss Chloe?”

She sighed and pointed south. “Please?”

“My pleasure.” He shucked his jeans off, then slithered down her body. When his tongue touched her clit she nearly screamed.

So much for the urgency fading. She was so primed she was surprised she hadn’t gone off yet.

He ate her out, licking and sucking her into his mouth with slowly increasing intensity. She was fucking his face, desperate to come, eager to feel the heat only he could give her.

Chloe gasped as a finger or two entered her, Jim timing the thrusts to match the movement of her hips.

It was so good, so, so good, she wanted it to never end. She tugged on her nipples, bringing herself closer to the edge. The tingling of an oncoming orgasm blinded her, shoved her over the edge into gasping pleasure so intense her whole body locked. She threw her head back and screamed, her mind drowning in ecstasy.

When it was over he was petting her gently, rifling his fingers through her damp curls. “Good?”

She couldn’t talk, so she nodded, hoping her sated grin would speak for her.

He nibbled gently on her mating mark, causing her pussy to give one final, lingering throb. “I’m glad.”

“Uh-huh.” She shivered and cuddled up against him, more than content to lie safe in his arms.


She yawned, closing her eyes and nestling her head on his chest.

“You sure you don’t want anything more?” He was still petting her, but she really was tired. His dick would have to wait until morning.


He snorted in amusement as she yawned again. “All right, little vixen. But first thing in the morning your ass is mine.”

“Mm-hmm.” When she was awake they could play tail chaser all he wanted. But now it was sleepy-time, and Chloe was going to do just that.

“Mine,” he sighed happily, kissing the top of her head.

“Mine,” she replied, smiling. “Good night, Jim.”

“Good night, love.”

She blinked, too tired to ask if he really meant that or not, but it took her far longer to fall asleep than she’d thought it would.

A sharp knock on the front door startled Jim out of his doze. “Hmm?”

Chloe moaned next to him, distracting him. The sight of all that bare, creamy skin had him forgetting exactly what it was that had woken him up. He wanted to nuzzle and taste and tease all over again.

But whoever had knocked did so again, making Jim curse lightly as he got up and grabbed a pair of sweats. Sliding them on, he made his way down to the front door, ready to tell whoever it was to go the fuck away.

Two strangers stood on the front step. Both had bright blue eyes the color of the morning sky and short, dark, messy hair. One was male, one was female. They wore almost identical outfits of jeans, white T-shirts and sneakers. As one, they tilted their heads and spoke. “Is Barney here?”

Jim blinked. “No.” He shut the door, ready to go back to bed. He was way too tired for anyone’s shit.

The double-knock sounded again. Jim rolled his eyes and opened the door. “What?”

Barney stood there, blinking. “What what?”

Jim looked outside, but there was no sign of the Doublemint twins. “There were two people on my doorstep just a minute ago.”

Barney’s eyes widened fearfully. “Two identical people?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Aw, fuck.” Barney pushed his way into the house, slamming the door shut after him. “Hide me.”

“Why would you want to hide from us, Barnes?”

“Yeah, why?”

Jim slowly turned to find the two strangers seated on his sofa, going through his mail. “Who the fuck are you?”

“Allow me to introduce you to the most annoying people I’ve ever been forced to work with.” Barney’s disgruntled tone would have amused Jim if he didn’t have two strangers on his couch he hadn’t invited in. “Artemis and Apollonia Smith, meet Dr. James Woods.”

“Hey,” the male said, ripping open Jim’s electric bill.

“Yo,” the female replied, rubbing some magazine insert on her wrist and sniffing the result.

“How did you get in here?” Jim demanded.

Apollonia blinked at him innocently. “Through the door.”

“How else?” Artemis waved the bill in the air. “Your electric company is ripping you off. You should go solar.”

“Less environmental impact,” Apollonia added.

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