I need some thing to drink my throat feels dry of all the crying I did. "Did you find your books Butterfly?" Nina ask. I feel guilty for lying to her but it's for a good case. "Yeah I did" I grab a bottle of water and turn to face her. She is sitting at the table with her glasses and a crossword puzzle book in front of her. That's her favorite pass time. When I was younger I used to sit next to her and help her out. Which in reality I didn't. I would just point at random letters and she would pretend it was a word. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her "Thank you for everything you have done for me I really appreciate it. I love you". She needs all the love she can get and I'm willing to give it to her. She pats my arm "I love you too Butterfly". I give her a kiss on the cheek "Can I help?". I want to spend some time with her. I feel guilty for pushing her away all this time. She pulls out the chair next to her "Of course". I take the seat and join Nina. Two games later Nina and I are laughing and having fun talking about random things. This is the most time I've spend with her since I came back and I'm loving every second of it.

"Hey Nina what's for dinner?" Mark walks in putting a kill to my happiness. I roll my eyes at him "Nothing Nina isn't cooking". I look over to Nina and shake my head before she can even say anything. No one is going to be home for dinner and I'll be damn if Nina cooks dinner for him. "Don't be silly I can whip some thing up really quick" Nina gives me a stop being mean look. I swear this lady can't say no when it comes down to cooking. "Don't worry Nina I can make some thing really quick" he says before I open my mouth again. "None of that come sit down and I'll make you a sandwich" Nina walks towards him. I bite down on the pen and concentrate on the puzzle in front of me instead of that thing in the room.

I hear the chair across from me being dragged against the floor but I never lift my head up. Maybe if I don't acknowledge him he'll leave. Let's see how long he can go with out talking to me. "You look adorable when you're concentrating on something" he says. Well that wasn't long enough it took him about 10 seconds to open his dumb stupid mouth. "You would look adorable if you stop breathing" I mumble. I hear Nina trying to hide her laughter with a cough "Enough fighting you two". I'm just going to ignore him like I always do. "I don't want to fight Nina I just want to be her friend" he says to Nina. She walks over to hand him a sandwich "I'm sure when she is ready to be your friend again she'll let you know". I almost bust out laughing there is no way I'm ever going to be his friend again and Nina knows that. "What do you think I should do to win her over?" he ask.

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