Damn I need to get my shit together not knowing what Balvin is up to is really fucking me up. After the talk with Logan I'm feeling even more uneasy. I thought it was just me being paranoid. I hate the fact that I can't trust my own coworkers. How can you work with a team you don't trust? "You want to get some drinks?" Logan pokes his head through my door. I can use some drinks right now to relax. I have been sitting in front of this computer for hours trying to find a clue, my neck is starting to feel stiff. "Sounds like a good idea let me take a quick shower" I turn off the computer and hit the shower.

"So what's going on?" Logan ask as we wait for our drinks. "I think we have a double agent" I reach for my beer. "Why?" he ask, he didn't even flinch at my words. I thought he was going to fight me on this. "You know that it's almost impossible to get into our system so how did some one get into it and made a fake profile for Jane?". I run my hand through my hair still trying to answer that question myself. The only answer I've came up with is that some one that we work with did it. Logan rubs the back of his neck "Maybe they are just trying to keep her safe you know if that information falls into the wrong hands than she can be in real danger". I thought about that but we are suppose to be the good guys so why keep it from us?

"Maybe but what if some one is getting paid to give us fake information" I say. There is so many questions and no fucking answer is so frustrated. "Yeah that can be the case," he takes a sip of his beer "this is all fucked up". I nod my head in agreement "Hell yeah and being away isn't helping the case either". Logan nods at the bartender to bring us another round of beers. "Do you trust Kevin?" I ask. Kevin is one of our coworkers he is in charge of all the records. He can find any file known to men if he needs to. The things he can do with a computer it's out of this world. We caught him trying to hack in to our system. He wasn't the first person to try to get in but he has been the first one who almost got all the way through and he was doing it for fun. Instead of throwing him in jail we decided to give him a job with us. Thanks to him our system is what it is today. He used his head to come up with the best secure system ever used.

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