"Of course I was" I lie. "Really? What did I say?" he ask as he stares at me. "That you were going to find me with my dick up my own ass you got a sick mind by the way" I get up and walk away before he asks me more questions. "What else?" he shouts from behind me but I pretend not to hear him. I close the door behind me and throw myself on the bed. I have to find a way to help Jane get away from her uncles and bring her back home with me. I have to go back to work well if I still have a job. I don't know why but something doesn't feel right to me. Starting with Balvin and ending with Jane. I feel like they're both lying to me. First Balvin keep's Jane's true identity hidden from me then she goes out her way to keep Logan and I off the case. I know she has something up her sleeves she always does.

The one thing that's has been bothering me is the fact that Jane's fake name and birth certificate came up in the system. How is that possible? You can always have a fake ID and a fake birth certificate but it wouldn't come up in the system. The only way that is possible is that some one put it in there. Do we have double agents? And if we do who can it be? So many questions and no answers. I walk over to my computer and pull up the file again. Maybe I can find something that I missed last time. If I'm going to do this I need more coffee to stay awake.

"I know I told him but you know how hard headed he is" I overhear Logan talking on the phone. He must be talking to Sophia. "Yeah I promise to bring him back to you safe and sound". As I walk pass him I give him a slap on the back of his head "Snitch".

"Ouch" he rubs his head. "Tell Soso I'm fine and to stop worrying I have enough with you" I walk towards the coffee pot. I make my coffee and head straight to the room before I get another lecture. The first thing I do is compare the two birth certificate. So far they both have the same place of birth and the day the only difference are the names of her parents. Some one must of hack inside the system and change their names but the question is who? This must be an inside job because our system is unreachable. "What are you up to?" Logan walks in eating an apple. "Trying to connect the dots" I click on the next file.

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