"And Princess," my father calls and I freeze on the spot. Damn I thought I was going to make it out with out making an ass out of myself again. Oh well I guess I have to be woman enough and own up to my mistake. "Next time knock before walking in" he adds. Is he serious right now? Any thought of asking him for forgiveness leaves my mind. I roll my eyes and continue to walk away "Knock my ass" I mumble under my breath to myself. I hear my uncle chuckle behind me "Just like you".

I change into my pajamas and climb into bed it's been a long day all I need right now is the comfort of my bed. I miss Gabe I know I was with him all day but I still miss him. I wish I had a phone to at least text him but there is no way my father will give me a phone and Sammy is to noisy to use hers. She would probably read all my conversation. Sammy walks in with a bowl of popcorn "I was thinking we can have a sleep over and watch if Mr. Big stops acting like a big dick". What have a done? I created a monster I should of never introduce Sam to Sex in the city. I slide over to make room for Sam because who am I kidding I love sex in the city as much as the next girl. "I'm sorry to inform you that Mr. Big is a big asshole".


It has been two weeks since the last time I saw Gabe and it's driving me crazy. Every time I make plans with Sammy Raul happens to pop up out of no where and invite her out. For example just a few minutes ago Sam and I were going to the movies and Raul invited himself. Sammy being Sammy couldn't say no so I fake a stomach ache. "That's weird you were fine just a few minutes ago" Sammy eyes me up and down not believing me at all. I rub my stomach "Must been something I seen I mean ate" I say in disgust as I watch Raul. "Ready baby" he wraps his arms around her waist. "Yeah Jane isn't coming she feels sick" she informs him. Raul's nasty eyes start searching my body "That's a shame" he says slowly. I don't have to pretend to be sick anymore. I really do feel sick having his eyes on me like if I was the last piece of pizza in the world . "Let's get moving the movie starts in 20 minutes" Mark walks in clapping his hands. I have to fight the urge to laugh even tho no one told me he was going deep down I knew it. Raul loves making my life a living hell he would use any opportunity to shove Mark in my face, it's funny what rejection can do to a person. "It seems like Jane isn't feeling well" Raul informs Mark. Mark turns to face me with a worry expression "What's wrong? I can go buy you some medicine". I roll my eyes at him? "Have fun and don't tell me the ending when you come home" I say to Sam ignoring Mark's questions. I give her a hug and I turn around not looking at them again even tho I can feel both of their eyes on me.

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