"I love you too," Jane says a little chocked up. I took her by surprise when I called her my girlfriend. She looks amazing with that dress on. All I can think about while having dinner is if she is wearing a bra. "No I'm not wearing a bra" she says as she caught me staring at her nipples again. "I can see that" I lick my lips. The sight of my tongue makes her nipples go hard. Mmm my Muffin is turned on. I'm so close to bending her over this table and having my way with her I don't care who is watching. "It's not going to be easy you know?" she says snapping me out of my nasty thoughts. I know it isn't going to be easy nothing worth having is easy to get. I break the staring contest I'm having with her breast to look up at her face "We'll find a way". Now that I've found her there is no way I'm letting her go. I know how empty my life is with out her and I refuse to live like that if you can call that living. "Can I ask you a question?" she bites down on her bottom lip. It's taking everything in me not to fly over this table and kiss her. "Anything" I shift in my seat trying to hide my hard one.

"How did you know I was here?". Anything but that. Should I lie to her or should I tell her the truth? No, no more lying from this point on. I run my hand through my hair "Your bracelet has a chip in it" I say before I regret. She looses all color from her face "What?". I have a few seconds to explain before her shock turns into anger.

"After you got chase I was so fucking scare all I could think about was what if you would of gotten kidnap how was I going to find you? And I knew there was something going on but you didn't want to tell me. So I thought it would be a good idea if I had a way to find you just in case something like this happen again". Logan was right I do sound like a fucking stalker. She must be so pissed off right now.

"Oh god so the feds know my location?" she ask nervously. I take a moment to study her body language. She is looking everywhere but at me and she is playing with her bracelet. "No only Logan and I know". Why is she nervous? Doesn't she want to be found? "Logan?" she arched her eyebrow. "He insist in coming" I smile. She shakes her head as she smiles "You guys are crazy". I need to know where's Mark and why is she here? Who is behind all of this? Who were does men she was with last night? "My turn to get some answers" I say. She nods her head as she leans into the chair. "I know Mark kidnapped you but I want to know why and if you are 'kidnapped' than how come you are allow out when ever you want?" it doesn't make sense. This isn't your normal kidnapping situation I should know I've seen a few cases in my job.

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