This is it I finally cracked, if I'm being honest with myself it was only a matter of time. I knew I was close to losing it like seriously who talks to themselves? More importantly what sane person answers to their own questions? Okay this is the deal if I look up and find no one standing there I'll get some professional help. I lift my head up but my eyes are shut close. I'm so scare of opening them and finding nothing there. I hear him breathing but what if it's just my mind playing games with me? I can't take this no more I need to know. I take in a big breath and as I let it go I open my eyes to find Gabe sitting there looking straight at me. "How?" I whisper more to myself than to him.

"I was wearing a bulletproof vest only one bullet made contact with my flesh that's why I was bleeding so much Logan rushed me to the hospital where they operated on me" he answers. Oh god! I'm not dreaming this is real he is here! I'm not going crazy. I start crying tears of happiness and relief. Gabe is alive and I'm not going crazy. "I'm sorry for causing you so much pain. If I knew where you were I would of gotten to you sooner as soon as I found out I came looking for you" he rush out. Is he serious? I should be the one apologizing not him. Now that I know he is real I take my time to really see him. My memories of him doesn't give him justice he is even more beautiful than what I remember. His hair is a little longer than last time I saw him, it comes down to his eyebrows and it's messier than I have ever seen it. He has a light stubble beard growing which makes him look older and sexier. He looks tired but his eyes are still my favorite color green. He runs his hand through his hair as he drops his head. Oh god how I missed him I feel a ache in my chest that only he can fill it. What am I doing all the way over here? This has been what I been dreaming of to have him with me again. "Muffin I know that-".

The sound of my heels hitting the floor makes him lift his head just in time to see me coming. I fly right into his arms and pin him to me. He is real oh god. I squeeze him as tears fall down my face. I place my face into the side of his neck and smell him in all over again. I can't believe this is real. God let it be real because if this is a joke I won't be able to survive it. I pull back and stare into my favorite eyes in the world. His stubble tickles my palm as I run my hand up and down his face I can't stop touching him "I can't believe you are really here". He stares right into my eyes "I know" he says breathless. I have to kiss him I need to feel him all of him. I pull his face towards mine and brush our lips. God that feels like heaven. I gasp as he cups the back of my neck and pulls on my bottom lip asking for access. This is so surreal I can't wrap my head around it. My tongue meets his half way and my body comes to life. The air around us changes from surprise to desire. My hands run through his soft messy hair I need him. With every kiss he gives me I feel like I'm waking up from the nightmare I've been living. His tongue runs across the top of my mouth and my body shivers. God I missed that. I miss everything that has to do with him. My sex is crying out for him which is funny because I could of sworn that was dead. Copyright 2016 - 2024