"Are you ready?" Sammy walks in looking gorgeous as always, in a spaghetti silk blue dress that stops right above her knees. The color looks good on her tan skin. She looks so excited meanwhile I've been in my room debating if I should go or not. I can pretend that I have a headache or that I came down with some weird virus but I know Sam wouldn't believe that. "Nice dress" she complements me. "Thanks" I say as I finish putting the last details on my outfit. Seeing that there is no way for me to get out of this I decide to go. How bad can it be? Right? I'm wearing a long classy strapless black dress with a split that goes up my right thigh. I'm not wearing a bra because it wouldn't look right with this dress. My hair is in a clean bun on top of my head. I'm wearing little make up just some mascara, eyeliner, and red lipstick to match my red purse and some silver chandelier earrings that are to die for.

"I can't believe you haven't change your mind" she walks towards me as she takes me in. She has no idea how close I was on changing my mind. I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach it's telling me it's not a good idea. I can still come up with some kind of disease. "Come on they are waiting for us downstairs" she says as she checks herself out one last time in the mirror. I shake my head and push her towards the door she can stare at herself all day if I let her.

"There they are," my uncle says as we walk down the stairs. My dad turns around and his eyes find mine instantly "Princess you look beautiful" his eyes shine with what I think it's hope. He extends his arm to reach out for me as I take the last step. "Hi dad," I say as I dismiss his hand. "Hi tio" I look over to my uncle who is watching us. He smiles at me "You look nice baby girl". I open my purse and pretend to look for something "Thanks can we go now?". If we stay any longer I might just crawl back in bed. Uncle Jay wraps his arm around Sam's shoulder "After you darling". Sammy smiles at him as he kisses her forehead. I can't help but to feel jealous of her I want to be that little girl again. I want to feel safe in my dad's arms again.

As soon as we get to the hotel I regret not staying home. The whole drive over here was awkward no one said a word it's like we are all in our little world. Why did I even think I can do this? "Come on Jane," Sammy opens the door for me. Breath Jane you can do this. I climb out the car and walk towards the hotel I might as well get this over with. "Mr. Cooper your table is ready please follow me" the blond receptionist greets us with a smile. The first thing I do as soon as we enter the room is scan for the bar. I have a feeling I'm going to need a few drinks to get through dinner. My dad pulls out a chair for me and I slide in giving him a nod as a thank you. "Good afternoon my name is Chad and I'll be your waiter this afternoon may I get you anything to drink?" the blond waiter ask. "Wine" I quickly say not giving any one time to answer. "Don't you think you had enough to drink the other night" my dad says while reading the menu. Is he kidding me? He hasn't said one word to me on the way over and the first thing he choice to say is that? Now he wants to control what I drink? "Yes I did luckily for me today is a new day and I want wine" I wink at the waiter who looks confuser as he looks between my father and me. "In that case bring the best wine you have" my dad orders and the waiter nods. I can't stop my eyes from rolling.

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