"Babe leave her alone" a pretty short girl wraps her arms around him. "Be a good boy and listen to Sammy. Now walk away" Jane smirks. So this is Sammy I can see why Logan would think Jane and her are sisters. Sammy looks like a younger version of Jane. She has light brown hair, the same color skin, but Sammy has brown eyes instead of amber. I love seeing how strong my girl is she most definite can handle her own battles not that she will but it's good to know she can. "Let's go baby it seems like Jane isn't in the mood to be social" the asshole wraps his arms around Sammy. No wonder she hates this asshole one minute he is trying to get with my girl and the next one he is all in love with Sammy. "Oh," Jane says as they are walking away making them turn around "make sure to pass down the message to your friend just in case he gets any crazy ideas". They walk away and I hear Jane laugh "I can't believe I just did that". I feel like turning around and hugging her. I miss seeing that feisty side of her it's good to know she still has it in her. Logan taps my should and nods towards the door. I shake my head he must be out his mind if he thinks I'm leaving her side. I've been waiting for this moment for 2 months there is no way I'm leaving. I turn around and order a drink I need one to get rid of the bad mood that dick put me in.

"Come on Jane it's time to go home" Sammy comes back but this time alone. I guess Raul finally understood what's good for him. "I'm not leaving with them" Jane slurps. There is no way in hell I'm letting Jane get in a car with that asshole or anyone else. "Jane stop being ridiculous," Sammy reaches for her hand but Jane pulls back causing her to fall over. With out even thinking about it I reach for her. "Thank you," she says with out looking at me once she recovers her balance she let's go of me. "I said I'm not going with them now do me a favor and call Brains to come pick me up". Sammy nods and with a hurt expression walks away. "Sorry Sam" Jane whispers as she turns around "Nikki give me a shot and make it a double". I watch as Sammy walks towards her table and that's when I see him. Mark. Just the sight of him makes my blood boil. Honestly I have no idea how I am controlling myself right now from going over there and killing him. He is responsible for all the pain Jane and I have been through. Sammy says something to them and he looks over towards Jane. If he even dares to come near her I'll kill him with my bare hands.

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