As soon as I close Balvin's door the elevator opens and Logan and April step out. "You're so funny," April laughs at some joke Logan said. I reach for an empty folder on her desk and pretend to read. "Gabriel did you need anything?" she ask as we pass each other. "No," I smile "I found it" I wave the folder in the air. I give Logan a look and he nods his head understanding what I'm trying to say. I walk into my office and close my door behind me I usually keep it open. I walk over to my computer and open the file.

I can't believe what I'm reading. I must of gotten the wrong file because this one says Jane Santana not Jane Carter. It also says here that her father is El Rey one of America's most wanted drug lords. I didn't even know he had a daughter. No one knows much about his personal life some don't even know his real name they just know him as El Rey. This has to be the wrong file. Jane can't be related to him. I looked Jane up myself and there was nothing that linked her to him. I click on the next page and photos of Jane, my Jane, pops up. I feel like some one just punched the air right out of my lungs. There are pictures of Jane before and after she dyed her hair, there are pictures of her in her work uniform, shopping, laughing, hanging out with Sophia and Liam. There are even pictures of me in here.

They been fucking spying on us! No wonder Balvin didn't want me on the case because I'm part of it. What kind of bullshit is this? Is she doubting me? Does she think I'm working for El Rey? How did they even know who she was? "Did you find anything?" Logan walks in. I'm so pissed off I can't even manage to speak so I turn my screen towards him. "Did you know about this?". If he knew and didn't tell me I'm going to kill him. He leans into the desk to get a better view of the file. "Holly shit! El Rey is her father?!" he yells a little to loud I'm thankful the door is close or else everyone would of herd him. There goes my answers. "I'm surprise they don't have a picture of her taking a shit" he adds as he clicks on the photos. Just the thought of them spying on her every move pisses me off. They're treating her like some kind of criminal. I turn my screen back to me "So what now?" he takes the seat in front of my desk. I stare at a photo of Jane and Liam, her head is tilt back as she is laughing at something Liam said to her I can just hear her laugh ringing in my ears. "Now I go find my girl" I answer. Copyright 2016 - 2024