"Lieut. Smith come to my office" Balvin buzzes me. I didn't even get the chance to take off my jacket or sit in my chair. I'm surprise it even took Balvin this long to buzz me in. I can pretend that I'm not in the office but knowing April she probably informed Balvin as soon as I walked in. "On my way" I buzz back. I might as well get this over with. I feel myself getting work up but I need to keep myself calm. I can't afford to lose control right now. I stop right outside the door and roll my head to the sides trying to relieve some stress. "Come in" Balvin yells as I knock on the door. Here goes nothing. "You wanted to see me?" I ask as I walk in the office. "Smith," she lifts her head up from the file she's reading "Nice to have you back".

Balvin is in her early 30's, she has brown short hair that is cut into a bob it makes her look more sophisticated. Makes her hearts shape face more smaller than what it really is, she is about 5'5, weights about 120, she has hazel eyes more brown than green they remind me of honey. You would think she is sweet but she is the total opposite. Now that I think about it I've never actually seen her crack a smile. One thing that I've learned about Balvin is to never under estimated her. She is a small thing but she'll drop you on your ass in a matter of seconds. When Logan and I first arrived here we thought that with our good looks we would be able to charmed her and make everything much easier for us. Boy were we wrong very very wrong. She made us go through hell and back, and that was just her training us. It seemed like with every smile we gave her she would come back ten times harder. We eventually stopped smiling at her. No one can accuse her of being soft with the stories that I've herd about her. I'm not surprise she is Captain she deserves it.

"Glad to be back" I sit in the chair across from her. I feel like I'm back in middle school and got called into the principle office. "Well let me be the first one to inform you that you will not be taking part on the Jane's case" she says as she returns to the file. Just like her to get straight to the point there is no beating around the bushes. The fact that she talks about Jane as a case pisses me off. I cross my arms across my chest to hide my fist "I don't think-". She lifts her little index finger up in the air to shut me up "I didn't ask for your opinion I'm simply informing you what your Captain has decided," she looks up from the file again "do you understand?". What I really want to say is fuck off there is no one stopping me from going after Jane. Instead all I say is "I understand". She looks down to her watch "Good now if you'll excuse me I have a meeting in 30 minutes". I don't even bother fighting my case with her she is more hard headed than a rock. I salute her, even tho what I really want to do is flick her off. "Smith," she calls me back "I'm seriously about the case leave it in my hands". I nod my head not trusting what can come out of my mouth and walk away. There is no way in hell I'm letting this go but first I need to find out what they know so far.

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